Sunday, June 30, 2024

New Stakes Created in Malawi, Mozambique, Vanuatu, and Utah; New Districts Created in Brazil and the Philippines

Before I got through the country-by-country updates, I wanted to point out that there have been at least 28 stakes created in 2024 thus far which was four more stakes than were created during the first half of 2023. This is a significant accomplishment considering the increased standards for the creation of new stakes that went into effect January 1st, 2024. Moreover, there have been at least 14 new districts organized thus far in 2024 - approximately twice the number of districts created for the entire year for 2023 (7) as well as during previous years spanning 2020-2022. This development suggests that efforts to expand the Church's operations into previously unreached or lesser reached areas has returned to levels seen prior to the COVID-19 pandemic (there were 21 new districts organized in 2019).


A new stake was created today in Malawi. The Blantyre Malawi Stake was organized from the Blantyre Malawi District. With six branches in the district, it is likely that all branches became wards in the new stake with perhaps just one exception (as new stakes usually have at least five wards). Information on which branches have become wards remains unavailable at this time. The original Blantyre Malawi District was organized in 2011 and has experienced modest growth over the decades. The new stake is the second stake to be organized in Malawi, and the first stake, which is in Lilongwe, was organized on June 2nd. This marks the second shortest time in Church history between the creation of the first and second stakes in a country (the shortest time was in Cambodia where the first two stakes were organized on the same day in 2014). With no more districts in the country and only one mission branch that was recently opened on Mzuzu, there appear good prospects for the expansion of the Church into additional cities now that there are more mission resources that can be repurposed from supporting the districts to national outreach expansion.


A new stake was created in Mozambique on June 16th. The Beira Mozambique Inhamízua Stake was organized from a division of the Beira Mozambique Manga Stake (which was also partially divided to create the Beira Mozambique Munhava Stake in May of 2023). The new stake includes the following five wards and one branch: the Cerâmica, the Dondo, the Inhamízua, the Rocha, and the Zona Verde Wards and the Mafarinha Branch. There are now four stakes in Beira - the first three of which were organized in 2015, 2017, and 2023.

There are now eight stakes and two districts in Mozambique.


A new stake was created in Vanuatu on June 18th. The Tanna Vanuatu Stake was organized from the Tanna Vanuatu District. The meeting to create the new stake had 2,700 in attendance, suggesting that there may be enough active members in Tanna to create a second stake in the foreseeable future if there is sufficient leadership and sustained activity rates to merit one. Information on which of the eight branches in the district have become wards is unknown at this time. There also appear to be several member groups that function in Tanna. The new stake is the Church's second stake to be organized in Vanuatu following the Port Vila Vanuatu Stake which was created in 2015. Districts in Luganville and Malakula also appear close to becoming stakes in the near future - both have large numbers of branches and impressive district conference attendance.

There are now two stakes and two districts in Vanuatu.


The Lehi Utah 3rd Stake (Tongan) was created on June 9th from the Orem Utah 2nd Stake (Tongan) and . The new stake includes the following 10 wards: the American Fork 2nd (Tongan), the American Fork 46th (Samoan), the Eagle Mountain 13th (Tongan), the Eagle Mountain 14th (Samoan), the Lehi 31st (Tongan), the Lehi 32nd (Samoan), the Lehi 41st (Tongan), the Lehi 42nd (Samoan), the Saratoga Springs 9th (Tongan), and the Saratoga Springs 12th (Samoan) Wards. 

There are now nine Tongan stakes in Utah. There are now 640 stakes and four districts in Utah.


A new district was created in Brazil on June 23rd. The Ji-Paraná Brazil District was organized from branches in the Brazil Manaus Mission. The new district includes the following four branches: the Ariquemes, the Cacoal, the Ji-Paraná, and the Vilhena Branches. The Cacoal Branch is a newly organized branch in the district, whereas there used to be two branches in Vilhena that were consolidated into one branch. At one time, there was a district in Vilhena may years ago with at least three branches in Vilhena. Many member groups have historically functioning in cities nearby Ji-Paraná, such as in Jaru, Pimenta Bueno, and Rolim de Moura, although it is unclear whether these member groups still operate.

There are now 285 stakes and 41 districts in Brazil.

The Philippines

A new district was organized in the Philippines on June 16th. The Argao Philippines District was created from three branches that were previously assigned to the Talisay Philippines Stake, namely the Argao (organized in 2014), the Moalboal (organized in 2020), and the Sibonga Branches (organized in 1992). The new district compasses the southern third of Cebu Island which is almost entirely unreached in regard to the operation of official branches. The creation of the new district may signal efforts to expand into many small cities and towns in southern Cebu, especially since the creation of the Toledo Philippines Stake from the Toledo Philippines District in 2023.

There are now 130 stakes and 54 districts in the Philippines.


John Pack Lambert said...

It appears we are on track to see twice as many districts organized in 2024 as 2019, but halfway through the year is not always halfway through things happening in the year.

How is the balance of new stakes in the US and Canada to those outside this year as opposed to last? In some ways it is easier to create new stakes in the US and Canada now. However since Church growth in the US was higher in 2013 than in some previous years there are several possible factors.

John Pack Lambert said...

Actually in Ghana the Cape Coast Stake and the Accra Stake were organized the same day as well.

Accra was slated to receive a stake in 199, but then the government of Ghana declared the Church illegal and froze all its operations. It was about 6 months after the Freeze ended that the two stakes were organized.

L. Chris Jones said...
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L. Chris Jones said...

L. Chris JonesJune 30, 2024 at 12:34 PM
Why are samoan and Tongan in the same stake? Do you think there are enough Samoan wards in Utah county to have their own stake? Would that be like putting a Portuguese ward in a Spanish stake?

L. Chris Jones said...

Is there similar culture?

OC Surfer said...

Other Matt here...

In the San Francisco East Stake (Tongan), also includes a Samoan Ward and Fijian Branch. Perhaps relatability with a similar poly culture, is why they are in the same stake.

John Pack Lambert said...

Technically Fiji is part of Melenesia, not Polynesia, but linguistically Fijian is very close to the Polynesian languages.

All three stakes in Utah County have Tongan and Samoan units. I guess the question is, does it make more sense to mix languages to have stakes closer, or to leave them distinct with larger stakes.

My understanding is that in Salt Lake County the Samoan units are in the geographical English speaking state.

It is not just a similar culture. Samoan and Tongan are very similar languages. I believe at one point they did include Portugueae units in a Spanish-language stake in Florida. I also have the impression that at times Portuguese speakers have attended Spanish-language wards and branches in the US.

L. Chris Jones said...

If these stakes got both languages, why not call it a Polynesian stake? That new stake seems to have an equal number of both languages

Craig said...

Craig Shuler says,

I thought it was interesting that both the Orem Utah 2nd Stake (Tongan) and the new Lehi Utah 3rd Stake (Tongan) are in the Utah Orem Mission. The Utah Saratoga Springs Mission has 18 Lehi stakes and the Utah Orem Mission has only 5, including the new Tongan stake. The stake center for the new stake must be in the Orem mission boundaries.

In May, before the division, there were 14 wards (8 Samoan and 6 Tongan) in the Orem Utah 2nd Stake (Tongan):
- Orem: 2 Samoan wards and 1 Tongan ward
- Pleasant Grove: 1 Samoan ward
- American Fork: 1 Samoan ward and 1 Tongan ward
- Lehi: 1 Samoan ward and 2 Tongan wards
- Saratoga Springs: 1 Samoan ward and 1 Tongan ward
- Eagle Mountain: 2 Samoan and 1 Tongan ward

The Provo Utah 1st Stake (Tongan) has 10 wards (5 Samoan and 5 Tongan) that apparently overlaps regular boundaries of the Utah Orem Mission, Utah Provo Mission, and the new Utah Spanish Fork Mission:
- Orem: 2 more Samoan wards and 1 Tongan ward,besides those in the Orem Utah 2nd Stake (Tongan).
- Provo: 2 Samoan wards and 2 Tongan wards
- Springville: 1 Tongan ward
- Spanish Fork: 1 Samoan ward and 1 Tongan ward

And why do any of them have numbers? The numbers seem superfluous since there is only one "Tongan" stakes in the cities where they are located. The Provo Utah 1st Stake has 5 Ton

Craig said...

Craig Shuler says,
The last phrase of my last post should have been deleted.

There are now 7 "Tongan" stakes in Utah, 4 in Salt Lake County that do not have Samoan wards and 3 in Utah County that do.

In Salt Lake County the Samoan wards are part of English-speaking residential stakes.

Pascal Friedmann said...

That is pretty common. Our Spanish ward is technically Spanish/Portuguese and there is a constant switching back and forth in their meetings. Hymns are also sung in both languages at a time, which sounds quite interesting.

James said...

Matt, just one clarification on your post. You mentioned the stricter requirements for stake creation, but really they are LESS strict than before for stakes in the United States. 15/28 new stakes coming from the states could actually be reflective of hitting the lower requirements whereas they wouldn't have hit the requirement a year ago. For sure, the other 13/28 outside of the US/Canada suggest very impressive growth.

I think it will be interesting going forward for the next year or two how many new stakes and wards are created in the areas that are harder than before to create (outside US/Canada) vs. areas that are now easier to create (US/Canada) compared to prior years.

Chris D. said...

Just sent to me by email.

Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa South Mission (2245698)

·         Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Kimbanseke Stake (1069489)
·         Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Mpasa Stake (2118645)
·         Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo N'Djili Stake (2118653)
·         Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Ngaba Stake (2055554)
·         Bandundu Branch (2159864) Branche de Bandundu
Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa South Mission Branch (2246945)
·         Disasi Branch (2236435) Branche de Disasi
·         Kazamba Branch (2266539)
·         Kikwit Branch (2178842) Branche de Kikwit
·         Lukolela Branch (2266520)

Democratic Republic of the Congo Kolwezi Mission (2245744)

·         Kikula Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (2175045)
·         Kolwezi Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (613622)
·         Likasi Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (416061)
·         Democratic Republic of the Congo Kolwezi Mission Branch (2247038)
·         Kalemie Branch (2252635)
·         Kamina Branch (2273039)

Madagascar Antananarivo North Mission (2245779)

·         Antananarivo Madagascar Ivandry Stake (1495984)
·         Toamasina Madagascar Stake (1403389)
·         Mauritius District (2103885)
·         St Denis Reunion District (609544)
·         Madagascar Antananarivo North Mission Branch (2247046)
·         Mahajanga Branch (1073281)
·         Moramanga Branch (2045540)

Ghana Accra North Mission (2245787)

·         Accra Ghana Adenta Stake (520470)
·         Ashaiman Ghana Bethlehem Stake (2181177)
·         Koforidua Ghana Stake (616729)
·         Dzodze Ghana District (2231859)
·         Ho Ghana District (2032228)
·         Kpong Ghana District (1838377)
·         Ghana Accra North Mission Branch (555819)

Ghana Takoradi Mission (2245809)

·         Mpintsin Ghana Stake (2065347)
·         Sofokrom Ghana Stake (2251299)
·         Takoradi Ghana Stake (526800)
·         Axim Ghana District (2136937)
·         Tarkwa Ghana District (2070804)
·         Ghana Takoradi Mission Branch (2246953)

Nevada Henderson Mission (2245892)

·         Henderson Nevada Anthem Hills Stake (2089106)
·         Henderson Nevada Black Mountain Stake (506656)
·         Henderson Nevada Carnegie Stake (388033)
·         Henderson Nevada Eldorado Stake (560022)
·         Henderson Nevada Green Valley Stake (517437)
·         Henderson Nevada Lake Mead Stake (502499)
·         Henderson Nevada McCullough Hills Stake (2057298)
·         Kingman Arizona Stake (516295)
·         Lake Havasu City Arizona Stake (508306)
·         Las Vegas Nevada Paradise Stake (504394)
·         Las Vegas Nevada Warm Springs Stake (520373)

L. Chris Jones said...

I don't if it is permanent but I can't pick a language on the meetinghouse locator. I also wished it would posts groups.

Chris D. said...

So if i counted correctly, just one more 2024 Mission to update.

The Nigeria Calabar Mission.

Chris D. said...

Today the Open House and Dedication dates announced for the Tallahassee Florida temple. And the plans for the Toronto Ontario Temple Renovation.

John Pack Lambert said...

The Nevada Herderson Mission will end up with most of the Las Vegas strip since most of the strip is in the boundaries of the Las Vegas Nevada Paradise Stake.

I served in 3 stakes in that mission, although areas I served in are also in the Anthem Hills, El Dorado and McCullogh Hills Stakes. Those and the Catlenegie stakes did not exist when I was there. I served in the Warm Springs, Paradise and Black Mountain stakes. However most of my mission I was in the Las Vegas Nevada Sunrise Stake.

I am wondering of any stakes were moved from the Las Vegas West to what is the Las Vegas East Mission.

On the Tallahassee Temple, Elder Kearon will dedicate that temple. I think he will break Elder Soares current record of shortest time from a call as an apostle to dedicate a temple, but only by a few weeks.

It looks like we will close 2024 with 202 temples, although it might be possible to squeeze in 1 or 2 more at the end of the year.

Chris D. said...

JPL, Yes, there were a couple Stakes transferred from L.V. West to L.V. East to even the numbers a bit. Here are the other 3 missions in Nevada organized. With the East mission now having 11 Stakes and the West Mission having 10 Stakes.

Nevada Las Vegas East Mission (2013800)
- Las Vegas Nevada Aliante Stake (382892)
- Las Vegas Nevada Central Stake (504955)
- Las Vegas Nevada East Stake (510734)
- Las Vegas Nevada Elkhorn Springs Stake (1014897)
- Las Vegas Nevada Shadow Mountain Stake (2062429)
- Las Vegas Nevada Sunrise Stake (518034)
- Las Vegas Nevada Tule Springs Stake (524603)
- Logandale Nevada East Stake (500658)
- Logandale Nevada West Stake (2254921)
- North Las Vegas Nevada Stake (503398)
- Panaca Nevada Stake (523038)

Nevada Las Vegas West
- Las Vegas Nevada Blue Diamond Stake (2081083)
- Las Vegas Nevada Desert Foothills Stake (2111861)
- Las Vegas Nevada Lakes Stake (517607)
- Las Vegas Nevada Lone Mountain Stake (520357)
- Las Vegas Nevada Meadows Stake (516074)
- Las Vegas Nevada Redrock Stake (509566)
- Las Vegas Nevada Skye Canyon Stake (2062240)
- Las Vegas Nevada South Stake (505609)
- Las Vegas Nevada Spring Mountain Stake (487090)
- Las Vegas Nevada Stake (502359)

Nevada Reno Mission (1480588)
- Carson City Nevada Stake (510637)
- Elko Nevada East Stake (501557)
- Elko Nevada West Stake (523429)
- Ely Nevada Stake (501026)
- Fallon Nevada South Stake (518905)
- Fallon Nevada Stake (505501)
- Quincy California Stake (512443)
- Reno Nevada Mount Rose Stake (2068451)
- Reno Nevada North Stake (507008)
- Reno Nevada Stake (501476)
- Sparks Nevada East Stake (503738)
- Sparks Nevada West Stake (2068443)
- Winnemucca Nevada Stake (514918)

Chris D. said...

And there were some minor reshuffling in Ghana and DRC also.

Democratic Republic of the Congo Kananga Mission (2217457)
- Kananga Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (416045)
- Katoka Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (2052075)
- Malandji Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (2150913)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo Kananga Mission Branch (2217481)
- Luiza Branch (2232200)
- Plaine Branch (2232219)

Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa East Mission (2132761)
- Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Masina Stake (272167)
- Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Mokali Stake (1978721)
- Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Ngaliema Stake (435155)
- Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (526002)
- Kisangani Democratic Republic of the Congo District (2221454)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa East Mission Branch (2149257)
- Maluku Branch (2253003)
- Menkao Branch (2272032)

Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa West Mission (2012219)
- Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Binza Stake (1978705)
- Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Lukunga Stake (2130890)
- Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Mont Ngafula Stake (550965)
- Matadi Democratic Republic of the Congo District (2168448)
- Boma Branch (2119625)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo Kinshasa West Mission Branch (410705)
- Muanda 1st Branch (2151766)
- Muanda 2nd Branch (2236397)

Democratic Republic of the Congo Lubumbashi Mission (1183796)
- Katuba Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (1009400)
- Kisanga Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (1989049)
- Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (527475)
- Ruashi Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (2106566)
- Kasumbalesa Democratic Republic of the Congo District (2156334)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo Lubumbashi Mission Branch (1183974)

Democratic Republic of the Congo Mbuji-Mayi Mission (2050722)
- Bondoyi Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (2231875)
- Dibindi Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (2186950)
- Kabusanga Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (2185091)
- Luputa Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (480266)
- Mbuji-Mayi Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (1482785)
- Mwene-Ditu Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (2028689)
- Ngandajika Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake (2086026)
- Democratic Republic of the Congo Mbuji-Mayi Mission Branch (2050730)
- Kamanda 1st Branch (2232189)
- Kamanda 2nd Branch (2232197)

Chris D. said...

*Ghana Accra East Mission (2011956)
- Accra Ghana Christiansborg Stake (527858)
- Accra Ghana Laterbiokorshie Stake (2052571)
- Accra Ghana Madina Stake (2112485)
- Accra Ghana Tesano Stake (1837974)
- Ashaiman Ghana Stake (2038544)
- Tema Ghana Stake (488755)
- Teshie Ghana Stake (2080966)
- Africa West Area Branch (1634178)

Ghana Accra West Mission (1986252)
- Abomosu Ghana Stake (537195)
- Accra Ghana Kaneshie Stake (1838180)
- Accra Ghana Kasoa Stake (542040)
- Accra Ghana Ofankor Stake (2052644)
- Asamankese Ghana Stake (611212)
- Swedru Ghana Stake (2120453)
- Winneba Ghana Stake (612138)
- Ghana Accra West Mission Branch (1986260)

Ghana Cape Coast Mission (475807)
- Abura Ghana Stake (2178869)
- Assin Foso Ghana South Stake (2123908)
- Assin Foso Ghana Stake (611352)
- Cape Coast Ghana Stake (519545)
- Yamoransa Ghana Stake (2070332)
- Twifu Praso Ghana District (1997351)
- Ghana Cape Coast Mission Branch (555827)

Ghana Kumasi Mission (1802429)
- Ejisu Ghana Stake (2251248)
- Kumasi Ghana Bantama Stake (610267)
- Kumasi Ghana Dichemso Stake (2005166)
- Kumasi Ghana Konongo Stake (2017377)
- Kumasi Ghana Suame Stake (2052776)
- Kumasi Ghana University Stake (2078627)
- Bibiani Ghana District (2119390)
- Obuasi Ghana District (2009781)
- Sunyani Ghana District (1902822)
- Tamale Ghana District (2049880)
- Techiman Ghana District (2213672)
- Ghana Kumasi Mission Branch (1802577)
- Wa Branch (2100630)

*Madagascar Antananarivo South Mission (2010704)
- Antananarivo Madagascar Ampefiloha Stake (2237865)
- Antananarivo Madagascar Manakambahiny Stake (368407)
- Antsirabe Madagascar District (1403184)
- Tolagnaro Madagascar District (2116472)
- Ambositra Branch (1916238)
- Anjoma Branch (1803581)
- Fianarantsoa Branch (463388)
- Madagascar Antananarivo South Mission Branch (271896)
- Tsianolondroa Branch (1803786)
- Tulear Branch (1984241) Branche de Tulear

Chris D. said...

Here are some of the existing Missions that were split to create the last batch of new Missions i posted on friday.

Alabama Birmingham Mission (2011611)
- Birmingham Alabama Stake (507490)
- Gadsden Alabama Stake (2144123)
- Huntsville Alabama Stake (504963)
- Madison Alabama Stake (1578189)
- Mobile Alabama Stake (510815)
- Montgomery Alabama Stake (507946)
- Tuscaloosa Alabama Stake (515760)

Argentina Córdoba Mission (2017504)
- Bell Ville Argentina Stake (615137)
- Córdoba Argentina Chacabuco Stake (2117541)
- Córdoba Argentina East Stake (462616)
- Córdoba Argentina Patricios Stake (511722)
- Córdoba Argentina Sierras Stake (522503)
- Córdoba Argentina South Stake (506265)
- Córdoba Argentina West Stake (525421)
- Río Cuarto Argentina Stake (524905)
- Punilla Argentina District (2048388)

Argentina Salta Mission (2012316)
- Jujuy Argentina Stake (518786)
- Salta Argentina Stake (514543)
- Salta Argentina West Stake (524298)
- Metan Argentina District (615285)
- Oran Argentina District (614238)
- San Pedro Argentina Jujuy District (612073)
- Tartagal Argentina District (617210)
- Argentina Salta Mission Branch (1652001)

Cambodia Phnom Penh West Mission (2013452)
- Phnom Penh Cambodia North Stake (617059)
- Phnom Penh Cambodia South Stake (413003)
- Battambang Cambodia District (1293176)
- Cambodia Phnom Penh West Mission Branch (420379)

Florida Jacksonville Mission (2012197)
- Gainesville Florida Stake (508241)
- Jacksonville Florida East Stake (505110)
- Jacksonville Florida South Stake (1021095)
- Jacksonville Florida West Stake (501786)
- Kingsland Georgia Stake (518999)
- Lake City Florida Stake (518204)

Nigeria Port Harcourt South Mission (2012480)*
- Ikot Akpaden Nigeria Stake (272329)
- Ikot Akpatek Nigeria Stake (2065991)
- Onna Nigeria Stake (2253836)
- Port Harcourt Nigeria Central Stake (2181231)
- Port Harcourt Nigeria South Stake (2077841)
- Port Harcourt Nigeria Stake (520381)
- Bori Nigeria District (2144859)
- Okrika Nigeria District (1145185)
- Nigeria Port Harcourt South Mission Branch (410683)

Sierra Leone Freetown Mission (537233)
- Freetown Sierra Leone East Stake (2112493)
- Freetown Sierra Leone Hill Station Stake (2240254)
- Freetown Sierra Leone Stake (613673)
- Kissy Sierra Leone Stake (1711989)
- Kossoh Town Sierra Leone Stake (2023660)
- Wellington Sierra Leone Stake (2175762)
- Makeni Sierra Leone District (2096625)
- Sierra Leone Freetown Mission Branch (555924)

Thailand Bangkok West Mission (2019361)*
- Bangkok Thailand North Stake (278424)
- Bangkok Thailand West Stake (2029189)
- Chiang Mai Thailand District (605891)
- Huahin Branch (2215853)
- Phuket Branch (2113821)
- Thailand Bangkok West Mission Thailand Branch (495344)

Chris D. said...

And from the New missions i posted on thursday, split from these existing missions.

Bolivia Cochabamba North Mission (2011441)
- Cochabamba Bolivia Blanco Galindo Stake (2105284)
- Cochabamba Bolivia Quillacollo Stake (522120)
- Cochabamba Bolivia Sacaba Stake (1920448)
- Cochabamba Bolivia Sarco Stake (516791)
- Cochabamba Bolivia Universidad Stake (512214)

Ecuador Quito South Mission (2015706)
- Ambato Ecuador Stake (524743)
- Los Chillos Ecuador San Rafael Stake (2104539)
- Los Chillos Ecuador Stake (1075888)
- Quito Ecuador Colón Stake (513830)
- Quito Ecuador Turubamba Stake (1997246)
- Riobamba Ecuador Stake (614157)

Ecuador Quito North Mission (1985930)
- Otavalo Ecuador Imbabura Stake (525987)
- Otavalo Ecuador Imbaya Stake (2060019)
- Otavalo Ecuador Stake (515116)
- Quito Ecuador Calderón Stake (528056)
- Ipiales Colombia District (606162)
- Ecuador Quito North Mission Branch (1987089)
- El Coca Branch (2225956)
- Lago Agrio Branch (2249529)
- Nueva Loja Branch (1896385)
- Orellana Branch (1075462)
- Shushufindi Branch (2225948)

Montana Billings Mission (2013703)
- Billings Montana East Stake (509337)
- Billings Montana South Stake (2100231)
- Billings Montana Stake (504068)
- Bozeman Montana Stake (512206)
- Cody Wyoming Stake (506532)
- Gillette Wyoming Stake (513423)
- Lovell Wyoming Stake (500461)
- Sheridan Wyoming Stake (2163349)
- Worland Wyoming Stake (513652)

Chris D. said...

Perú Lima Central Mission (2010429)
- Lima Perú Callao Stake (512419)
- Lima Perú Condevilla Stake (1024876)
- Lima Perú El Trébol Stake (415863)
- Lima Perú Independencia Stake (509035)
- Lima Perú La Libertad Stake (1037676)
- Lima Perú Maranga Stake (519154)
- Lima Perú Palao Stake (517003)
- Lima Perú San Martín Stake (512125)

Perú Lima East Mission (2012359)
- Lima Perú Central Stake (509027)
- Lima Perú Chaclacayo Stake (1634771)
- Lima Perú Chosica Stake (520543)
- Lima Perú La Molina Stake (526460)
- Lima Perú Mayorazgo Stake (2124319)
- Lima Perú Santa Anita Stake (524549)
- Lima Perú Santa Clara Stake (2144646)
- Lima Perú Vitarte Stake (519111)

Perú Lima North Mission (2011387)
- Lima Perú Carabayllo Stake (524972)
- Lima Perú Comas Stake (519146)
- Lima Perú San Felipe Stake (516430)
- Lima Perú Santa Isabel Stake (526916)
- Lima Perú Tahuantinsuyo Stake (520632)
- Lima Perú Torre Blanca Stake (2120615)

Perú Lima South Mission (2014203)
- Ayacucho Perú Stake (525154)
- Chincha Perú Stake (521035)
- Ica Perú Stake (519944)
- Lima Perú La Campiña Stake (2130521)
- Lima Perú Pachacamac Stake (1993674)
- Lima Perú Villa María Stake (517526)
- Lima Perú Villa Salvador Stake (521264)
- Pisco Perú Stake (522112)
- Cañete Perú District (617741)
- Nazca Perú District (610453)

Perú Lima West Mission (1194380)
- Barranca Perú Stake (608092)
- Huacho Perú Stake (519588)
- Lima Perú El Olivar Stake (519162)
- Lima Perú Las Palmeras Stake (519138)
- Lima Perú Los Olivos Stake (1033468)
- Lima Perú Miramar Stake (2143275)
- Lima Perú Naranjal Stake (2138786)
- Lima Perú Prolima Stake (1033085)
- Lima Perú Puente Piedra Stake (415871)
- Ventanilla Perú Stake (525715)
- Huaral Peru District (2249170)

Perú Lima Limatambo Mission (2132206)
- Lima Perú Chorrillos Stake (519189)
- Lima Perú Limatambo Stake (505544)
- Lima Perú Magdalena Stake (507369)
- Lima Perú San Gabriel Stake (524980)
- Lima Perú San Juan Stake (512052)
- Lima Perú San Luis Stake (516422)
- Lima Perú Santa Patricia Stake (1993593)
- Lima Perú Surco Stake (525111)

Chris D. said...

Philippines Bacolod Mission (2018217)
- Bacolod Philippines North Stake (515183)
- Bacolod Philippines South Stake (364827)
- Bacolod Philippines Stake (514632)
- Bago Philippines Stake (384550)
- Binalbagan Philippines Stake (520446)
- Cadiz Philippines Stake (517860)
- La Carlota Philippines District (451150)

Philippines Cauayan Mission (2010038)
- Alicia Philippines Stake (611123)
- Cauayan Philippines Stake (617350)
- Santiago Philippines North Stake (1738577)
- Santiago Philippines Stake (528099)
- Bambang Philippines District (418056)
- Roxas Philippines Isabela District (473510)
- Solano Philippines District (610011)

Philippines Cebu Mission (2012162)
- Cebu City Philippines Stake (513849)
- Cebu Philippines Central Stake (365009)
- Talisay Philippines Stake (515221)
- Toledo Philippines Stake (612928)
- Argao Philippines District (2260093)
- Bogo Philippines District (616486)

Philippines Cebu East Mission (1986368)
- Cebu Philippines Consolacion Stake (1990527)
- Cebu Philippines Liloan Stake (272442)
- Lapu-Lapu Philippines Stake (2213664)
- Mandaue Philippines Stake (519839)
- Tagbilaran Philippines Stake (609331)
- Calape Philippines District (616664)

Philippines Davao Mission (2011433)
- Davao Philippines Buhangin Stake (517690)
- Davao Philippines Stake (514888)
- Davao Philippines West Stake (2029014)
- Mati Philippines Stake (611611)
- Tagum Philippines Stake (614734)
- Zamboanga Philippines Stake (517895)
- Monkayo Philippines District (613959)
- Panabo Philippines District (614726)

Philippines Laoag Mission (463302)
- Ballesteros Philippines Stake (409812)
- Batac Philippines Stake (526568)
- Laoag Philippines Stake (519669)
- Vigan Philippines Stake (383813)
- Bangui Philippines District (409820)

Portugal Lisbon Mission (2018101)
- Almada Portugal Stake (2162539) Estaca Almada Portugal
- Lisbon Portugal Stake (514691) Estaca Lisboa Portugal
- Oeiras Portugal Stake (519804) Estaca Oeiras Portugal
- Setúbal Portugal Stake (518808) Estaca Setúbal Portugal
- Açores Portugal District (609501) Distrito Açores Portugal

Chris D. said...

Alpine German-Speaking Mission (2018705)
Bern Switzerland Stake (514462)
Munich Germany Stake (510270)
Salzburg Austria Stake (526525)
St Gallen Switzerland Stake (539252)
Vienna Austria Stake (512389)
Zürich Switzerland Stake (503762)

California Roseville Mission (2010194)
- Anderson California Stake (511781)
- Auburn California Stake (511749)
- Chico California Stake (506222)
- Gridley California Stake (501131)
- Lincoln California Stake (1468588)
- Redding California Stake (503517)
- Rocklin California Stake (521493)
- Roseville California Stake (505676)
- Yuba City California Stake (512338)

Texas Fort Worth Mission (2012057)
- Alliance Texas Stake (2004089)
- Arlington Texas Stake (518190)
- Burleson Texas Stake (2066432)
- Colleyville Texas Stake (526274)
- Fort Worth Texas North Stake (2071207)
- Fort Worth Texas Stake (504874)
- Hurst Texas Stake (508594)
- Weatherford Texas Stake (487775)

México Hermosillo Mission (2019701)
- Ciudad Obregón México Nainari Stake (519553)
- Ciudad Obregón México Stake (508454)
- Guaymas México Stake (520314)
- Hermosillo México Pitic Stake (518719)
- Hermosillo México Stake (508721)
- Navojoa México District (611492)
- Nogales México District (613134)
- Sierra Madre México District (603856)
- México Hermosillo Mission Branch (430110)

Chris D. said...

Just found these 2 Stakes transferred from Mexico Pachuca Mission to Mexico Mexico City East.

México City Los Heroes Tecamac
México City Tecamac

Chris D. said...

And these 2 Stakes from the Mexico Mexico City Northwest to Mexico City North Mission.

- México City Coacalco Stake (1012274)
- México City Villa de las Flores Stake (508160)

And these 2 Stakes from the Mexico Mexico City East to Mexico City Northwest Mission.

- México City Industrial Stake (508101)
- México City Madero Stake (522740)

And from Mexico Mexico City West to Mexico City Northwest Mission.

- México City Camarones Stake (508063)

And from Mexico Mexico City North to Mexico City Mexico West Mission.

- México City Alamedas Stake (1989626)

And from Mexico Monterrey East to Monterrey West Mission.

- Apodaca México Stake (468444)
- Monterrey México Moderna Stake (513008)

James G. Stokes said...

With the announcement of the Tallahassee Florida Temple dedication set for December 8, that will be the same date as the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional, so I doubt Elder Kearon will both dedicate that temple and speak at that devotional later that day. As far as other temple dedications go, the only temple close to having major construction completed is the Antofagasta Chile Temple, for which the Church of Jesus Christ Temples site has recently changed the estimate to mid-to-late 2024. If it is only completed in August or September, the temple dedication will likely only take place in January or February of next year. So I think that the Deseret Peak Utah Temple will be the last temple dedication we see this year, especially since there is always a few months between a temple's completion and its' dedication.

That being said, July is typically the recess month for General Authorities and General Officers, so the fact that we got a major temple announcement at all and that it was a dedication is significant. We may see one or two other groundbreakings announced later this month, and I wouldn't be surprised if we saw one or two more exterior renderings or site announcements either. Will we see a temple announcement every Monday of this recess month? Perhaps not. But it is likely that we will see at least a couple more developments announced at some point this month. My thanks once again to you all.

Anonymous said...

James, I think you meant that the Tallahassee temple will likely be the last temple dedicated this year.

Also, I find it insignificant that a major temple announcement was made on July 1st. It's the very first day of the month. I'd bet that the announcement was prepared last month anyway.