Sunday, March 28, 2010

Exciting Developments in Northeastern Brazil

Missionaries report that approval has been given for the Santarém Brazil Pará District to become a stake in the near future. The district was originally created in 1993. I will provide more information once the stake is organized.

The Castanhal Brazil District is also very close toward becoming a stake. The first stake in the Brazilian state of
Pará was organized in 1991. Two additional stakes were created in 1995 and 1997. A couple more stakes may soon be organized in Belem as well due to the large size of the three existing stakes. Furthermore, the mission president announced to missionaries that the Church has shown interest in building a temple in Belem in the near future. A potential temple in Belem would only currently serve five stakes and four districts in Pará and surrounding states, but the number of stakes could easily grow to nine or ten in the coming year or two. There does not appear to be any new outreach among the 32 cities in Pará with over 20,000 inhabitants without a congregation.

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