Sunday, July 28, 2024

New Stake Created in Kenya; District Created in Angola


A new stake was created in Kenya on July 14th. The Kyulu Kenya Stake was organized from the Kyulu Kenya District (organized in 1992). Information on which of the 10 branches in the district became wards remains unavailable. Notwithstanding its rural location, the Kyulu area was one of the first locations to have an official Church presence established in Kenya. Villages with branches in the Kyulu Hills generally have populations of less than 5,000 people (the largest urban centers with an official congregation are Madinku [branch organized in 2023)] and Mtito Andei [branch organized in 2003] which have populations of 15,000 and 5,600, respectively). Kyulu is the first stake to be organized in East Africa to be located in a rural location in which nearly all members in the stake live outside of cities and towns. Moreover, the Kyulu Kenya Stake is the first stake to be organized in Kenya outside of Nairobi. The Church has worked for many years to organize a stake in Kyulu, as there have been enough branches and members to organize a stake, although the area had not meet criteria to organize a stake in regard to member activity and leadership. There is only one other location in Kenya where the Church has established multiple branches and a district in such a rural area, which is the Kilungu Hills Kenya District (organized in 2014). The first branch in the Kilungu Hills was also organized in 1992 at a time when mission and area leaders were more open to establishing the Church in rural areas without a nearby official branch.

There are now four stakes and five districts in Kenya. The Eldoret Kenya District appears most likely to be organized into a stake within the foreseeable future among the five remaining districts. Significant growth has recently occurred in the Kisumu Kenya District, which now has eight branches - half of which have been organized within the past 5 years.


A new district was created in Angola. The Lubango Angola District was organized from mission branches within the city of Lubango located in southern Angola. The Church has grown slowly in Lubango since the first branch was created in the city in 2011. Only two branches are in the district, namely the Mapunda and Tchioco Branches, although there is at least one member group that also operates in the city (Eiva). The creation of a district with only two branches likely indicates imminent plans to organize additional branches in the city.

There are now two stakes and two districts in Angola.