Sunday, December 28, 2008
Dependent Branches and Groups
Dependent branches function like groups. They are attached to another branch or ward to which they report to. These dependent branches' locations are not provided on Church websites and are often very dynamic to fit the needs of members in the area which they live. Dependent branches can be found all over the world, even in the United States. For example, I live in the Denver area and before the Monte Vista (Spanish) Ward was created earlier this year in the Denver Colorado North Stake, it meet as a dependent branch to a ward in the stake. As for how dependent branches and groups differ, I do not completely know except groups tend to be smaller and can report directly to a mission or area presidency instead of a branch or ward which the group may be attached to. Dependent branches also have a branch president with two counselors, whereas groups just have a group leader.
Sometimes dependent branches and groups are jokingly referred to as "twigs" by those in the Church since they are very small. I believe all the new branches organized in Hungary in the past year are actually dependent branches since I cannot find any information about them from Church websites. These new Hungarian branches were in cities such as Békéscsaba and Kaposvár and had around 30-40 people attending each Sunday. I recently found out about a dependent branch organized in Butterworth, Malaysia and groups organized in Kosi Bay, South Africa and the western half of the city Douala in Cameroon. Since I am on the topic of Cameroon, a third branch will be created soon in Youande, Cameroon as well.
Lastly, I just wanted to emphasize that dependent branches and groups are very important for the Church's establishment in areas in has not yet existed.
New District in Nigeria
The new Ibiono Nigeria District was created in the part of the country where the Church is the strongest. There are 11 stakes and three other districts within 50 miles of the new district. It is likely more districts and stakes will be created in this very Christian region of the country, where the Aba Nigeria Temple is also located, in the coming years considering the high activity and steady growth of the Church there.
It is also likely a new stake or two could be created in Benin City. The first stake in Benin City was created in 1993 and last year the third stake in the city was organized. The three stakes continue to grow rapidly in terms of congregations. The Church has a very limited presence or is non-existent in the areas outside of the city to the north, south, and west. For instance, the city of Sapele 30 miles to the south has over 100,000 inhabitants without a congregation of the Church.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Stakes in the United States Likely to Split Soon
In order for new stakes to be created, there has to be enough active members, which makes the increase in new stakes a good indicator for Church growth.
Huntsville Alabama Stake (13 wards)
Flagstaff Arizona (12 wards, 3 branches)
Prescott Arizona (13 wards, 2 branches)
Tuscon Arizona North and Rincon Stakes (12 wards each)
Rocklin California Stake (13 wards, 1 branch)
Arapahoe and Parker Colorado Stakes (12 wards each)
Denver North Stake (11 wards, 1 branch)
Greeley Colorado Stake (11 wards, 2 branches)
Meeker Colorado Stake (11 wards, 3 branches)
Fort Myers, Brandon, Tampa, and Lakeland Florida Stakes (38 wards, 12 branches)
Chubbuck Idaho Stake (12 wards)
Eagle Idaho Stake (12 wards)
Kuna Idaho Stake (13 wards)
Preston Idaho North Stake (12 wards, 3 branches)
Rigby Idaho Stake and Rigby Idaho East Stake (22 wards, 2 branches)
Louisville Kentucky Stake (11 wards, 5 branches)
Cambridge Massachusetts (11 wards, 3 branches)
Traverse City Michigan District* (10 branches)
Burnsville Minnesota Stake (10 wards, 4 branches)
Kearney Nebraska Stake (8 wards, 8 branches)
Omaha Nebraska Stake (11 wards, 2 branches)
New York New York Stake (12 wards, 2 branches)
Keizer Oregon Stake (12 wards, 1 branch)
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Stake (10 wards, 3 branches)
Colleyville Texas Stake (13 wards)
Dallas Texas East Stake (12 wards)
Houston Texas West (Spanish) Stake (11 wards, 2 branches)
Richardson Texas Stake (13 wards)
Round Rock Texas Stake (12 wards, 1 branch)
Eagle Mountain Utah (35 wards in 3 stakes)
Farr West Utah Stake (12 wards)
Fort Herriman Utah Stake (14 wards)
Kanesville Utah Stake (12 wards, 1 branch)
La Verkin Utah Stake (12 wards)
Lehi Utah North Stake (13 wards, 1 branch)
North Salt Lake Utah Parkway Stake (13 wards, 2 branches)
Orem Utah Sunset Heights Stake (12 wards, 2 branches)
Providence Utah (25 wards and 1 branch in 2 stakes)
Salt Lake Utah (Tongan) Stake (12 wards, 1 branch)
Santa Clara Utah Stake (15 wards)
Saratoga Springs Utah Stake (14 wards)
Saratoga Springs Utah North Stake (13 wards)
Smithfield Utah (22 wards and 1 branch in 2 stakes)
Spanish Fork South Stake (13 wards)
Buena Vista Virginia Stake (12 wards, 2 branches)
Pasco Washington Stake (12 wards, 4 branches)
Tacoma Washington Stake (12 wards, 1 branch)
Madison Wisconsin Stake (8 wards, 7 branches)
Laramie Wyoming stake (12 wards)
Monday, December 15, 2008
One Year of Blogging
Saturday, December 13, 2008
New Temple Announced in Trujillo, Peru
Stakes likely to be served by new temple with date of creation:
Cajamarca Perú - 1996
Chiclayo Perú - 1980
Chiclayo Perú Central - 1985
Chiclayo Perú El Dorado - 1991
Chiclayo Perú La Victoria - 1996
Chiclayo Perú Latina - 1995
Chimbote Perú - 1980
Chimbote Perú South - 1991
Iquitos Perú - 1980
Iquitos Perú Nueve de Octubre - 1995
Iquitos Perú Punchana - 1992
Jaén Perú - 2007
Piura Perú Castilla - 1990
Piura Perú Central - 1983
Piura Perú Miraflores - 1996
Pomalca Perú - 2007
Sullana Perú - 2007
Trujillo Perú Central - 1994
Trujillo Perú East - 1991
Trujillo Perú Esperanza - 1998
Trujillo Perú Laureles - 1998
Trujillo Perú Palermo - 1984
Trujillo Perú Porvenir - 1998
Trujillo Perú Primavera - 1978
Tumbes Perú - 2007
Districts likely to be served by new temple with date of creation:
Casa Grande Perú
Guadalupe Perú La Libertad
Huaraz Perú
Moyobamba Perú
Talara Perú
Tarapoto Perú
Tarma Perú
Virú Perú
This brings the total number of temples announced, under construction or operating to 146.
Another new temple I think is likely to be announced soon is in Arequipa, Peru. A temple constructed in Arequipa could potentially serve 14 stakes and eight districts. For further information about potential new temples I think are likely, follow this link.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Three New Stakes Created in Brazil
- - The Fortaleza Brazil Messejana Stake was created from a division of the Fortaleza Brazil East Stake. The Fortaleza Brazil East Stake has seen very strong growth in the past few years and was created in 2005 with five wards. There are now 12 stakes in the metropolitan area of Fortaleza and I think it is extremely likely a new temple will be announced in the city, especially considering a new stake has been added each year for the past four years. The first stake in the city was organized in 1981.
- - The Imperatriz Brazil Stake was created from the Imperatriz Brazil District. This stake becomes the second in the Brazilian state of Maranhao, which now has no districts and a population of over six million. Imperatriz became a district in 1995.
- - The São Paulo Brazil Casa Grande Stake was likely created from the Diadema Brazil Stake and possibly another nearby stake. There are now 36 stakes in the São Paulo metropolitan area (if I counted right) and 28 with the city of São Paulo in their name.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Strength and Size of the Church in Different Mexican States
If you look at the Church in the United States, you will find areas where the percentage of members in the population is substantially high (~70% in Utah) to areas where it is quite low (a third of a percent in Rhode Island). Overall, the United States is around 2% LDS.
The Church does not publish statistics on membership for each of the states in Mexico. To calculate the strength and size of the Church in different Mexican states, I have divided the population of the state by the number of stakes and districts (which I count as half a stake). Although this method is not perfect, it gives us an idea as to where members of the Church make up a larger percentage versus a smaller percentage of the population in Mexico. In other words, the smaller the number of people per stake, the greater the percentage of members in the Church.
The state with the highest percentage of members in Mexico (calculated from the aforementioned method) is Yucatan, with 225,000 people per stake. Yucatan is obviously located on the Yucatan Pennisula, the capital city being Merida. The states with the lowest percentage of members are Michoacan (1,329,000 people per stake) and Guanajuato (1,223,000 people per stake). Both Michoacan and Guanajuato are between Mexico City and Guadalajara.
Below is a list of the different Mexican states and the population per stake.
Quintana Roo
Mexico State
Baja California
Nuevo León
Baja California Sur
San Luis Potosí
Monday, December 8, 2008
New Stake In Nevada
Saturday, December 6, 2008
New Branches In Mexico
- Tlapa de Comonfort (pop:38,000)
- Zapotlanejo (pop: 30,200)
- Chilapa de Alvarez (pop: 27,500)
Tlapa and Chilapa are both in the Mexican state of Guerrero and Zapotlanejo is in Jalisco. The remaining seven cities with the most inhabitants without a congregation are all located in the states of Guanajuato, Jalisco and Durango.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Another New Stake in Brazil, Stake Dissolved in Guatemala
Furthermore, I wanted to note that the Mazatenango Guatemala East Stake was dissolved last May. The two stakes in the city each had five wards or so and were combined to created a stronger stake.
I also noticed that the Ahuachapan El Salvador Stake was taken off of the Church's temple district listings. I find it hard to believe that the stake was dissolved because it had seven wards and a few branches up until recently from what I have heard. If anyone can confirm the stake's continued functioning or dissolution, it would be appreciated. I imagine that this a technical error, especially considering that the Chimaltenango Guatemala Stake is listed twice (and is about the same size as the Ahuachapan El Salvador Stake).
The number of wards in El Salvador has increased by 10 or so in the past couple years, a significant gain compared to the previous five years. One of the stakes in the western region of the country is also close to splitting, doubling in size in the past five years. With a temple under construction that was announced only a year ago, the Church in El Salvador has definitely strengthened in the past decade, with 100,000 members today.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
New Stake In Brazil
I made a post about the Imperatriz Brazil District becoming a stake. As far as I know the district has not become a stake and I will make a post if it does turn into a stake.
Northern Brazil
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Southern Brazil
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008
City Opens For Missionary Work In Uganda
Monday, December 1, 2008
New Stake in Mexico
Below are maps of the stakes and districts of Mexico.
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Mexico City
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Thursday, November 27, 2008
Recent Church Growth News and Potential Mexican Temples
According to a missionary serving in the Brazil Belem Mission, the Imperatriz Brazil District has become or will shortly be made into a stake. The Stake will consist of five wards located in the Brazilian state of Maranhão. Only one stake has existed in this state in São Luís, which is one of the poorest in Brazil. This stake is the only stake (so far) this year that has been created in Brazil. If anyone can please validate that a stake has been created in Imperatriz, I would appreciate it (the Church's temple district listings still list it as a district in the Sao Paolo Brazil Temple District).
Record Number of baptisms in Trinidad and Tobago and portions of Brazil and Argentina
Missionaries have reported that the West Indies Mission will surpass its highest baptizing month. As of last Sunday, there have been 211 baptisms and confirmations. In Brazil and Argentina, at least a couple missions have set new records for baptisms. This is good news and hopefully we will also see an increase in new congregations in these areas in the coming year or two.
Strong missionary activity in East Malaysia
The city of Sibu, East Malaysia recently had over 50 investigators attend Church meetings, dozens of whom have slated baptismal dates. There are plans next year to divided the branch into three branches. This will make Sibu a likely candidate for a district forming in the coming year or two. Six young elders serve in the city.
President Monson prophesies of additional temples in Mexico
On his trip to rededicate the Mexico City Mexico Temple after extensive renovations, President Monson spoke concerning the building of temples in Mexico.
After rededicating the temple, President Monson spoke of his love for the
Mexican people. The church will continue to grow here, he said — and so will
temple building efforts in Mexico.
"There will be more," he said.
I found it exciting that he made such a prophesy in a country with 12 temples currently operating. Mexico is the country with the second most temples after the United States (which now has 70 temples announced, under construction, or operating). Brazil, with the third most members after the U.S. and Mexico, only has six temples announced, under construction or operating and more stakes than Mexico (but Mexico has the second most congregations with almost 2,000).
So now the big question: Where will future temples in Mexico likely be built? Below is a list of potential Mexican temples, with the number of stakes and districts they could serve.
- Aguascalientes Mexico (7 stakes, 1 district)
- Cuautla Mexico (11 stakes, 3 districts)
- Culiacan Mexico (7 stakes, 3 districts)
- Puebla Mexico (12 stakes)
- Reynosa Mexico* (7 stakes, 1 district)
- Tijuana Mexico (9 stakes, 1 district)
- Torreon Mexico (7 stakes, 3 districts)
*Indicates some of the stakes in potential temple district would be in the United States
These cities seem most likely to receive a temple because each has had stakes for a couple decades, are far enough away from another pre-existing temple, and often have stakes which grow quickly or are close to dividing. Other cities which could be potential candidates are Chihuahua and Juchitan, but a temple in either of these locations would serve less than five stakes.
I added Tijuana as well considering it is difficult for members to cross the border into the U.S. and attend the temple in San Diego. I appreciate a fellow blogger pointing out the possibility of a temple in this Mexican city.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
First Branch Created In The Most Populous Indian State
There are at least a couple groups also in the India New Delhi Mission, one of which is in Rajastan.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Stake and District Maps
It might take a few seconds for the maps to come up with the markers.
Central America (excluding Guatemala)
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008
New Stake in Idaho
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
New Stake in Idaho
Monday, November 10, 2008
Non-African Missionaries Return to the Ivory Coast

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Potential Districts
- -Yamoussoukro Cote D'Ivoire
- - Lome Togo
- - Ikot Ekpene Nigeria
- - Ogwashi-uku Nigeria
- - Yaounde Cameroon
- - Addis Ababa Ethiopia
- - Eldoret Kenya
- - Kilunga Hills Kenya
- - Mombasa Kenya
- - Mbuji-Mayi Democratic Republic of the Congo
- - Pointe-Noire Republic of Congo
- - Marromeau Mozambique
- - Bloemfontein South Africa
- - Windhoek Namibia
- - Luanda Angola
- - Blantyre Malawi
- - George South Africa
- - Polokwane South Africa
- - Queenstown South Africa
- - Toamasina (Tamatave) Madagascar
- - Chennai India
- - Coimbatore India
- - Rajahmundry India
- - Krasnodar Russia
- - Nizhny Novgorod Russia
- - Ulan-Ude Russia
- - Vladivostok Russia
- - Voronezh Russia
- - Lviv Ukraine
- - Simferopol Ukraine
- - Athens Greece
- - Abasolo Mexico
- - Escarega Mexico
- - Zaragoza Mexico
- - Bluefields Nicaragua
- - Jacmel Haiti
Districts Close to Stakehood
As for these districts which are trying their best to fit the criteria for a stake, here is a list of a few of them.
- -The Tirana Albania District has a goal of becoming the first stake in southeastern Europe in the next three years. There are currently almost enough members for a stake, but activity levels are too low right now. One of the major goals of this district is to increase member activity as well as active, full tithe-paying Melchizedek Priesthood holders.
- -As mentioned in an earlier post, the Santa Marta Colombia District is applying for stakehood. Pray that the members in the area will qualify for a stake of Zion. This is a plead from a missionary currently serving in the city.
- -The Ulaanbaatar Mongolia District is currently working with trying to re-activate less active or inactive returned missionaries. An article in the Ensign from several months ago stated that one of the big obstacles in Mongolia is that the majority of the members are single (70%) and young. There are 10 branches in the district.
- -I have repeatedly mentioned how the Port-of-Spain Trinidad and Georgetown Guyana Districts are really focusing on becoming stakes. Things are looking good for them right now and hopefully the members can fulfill the final necessary requirements.
- -The Planaltina Brazil District was recently created and is also trying its hardest toward becoming a stake in the near future. Missionaries and Church leaders are particularly focusing on increasing active Melchizedek Priesthood holders. There has also been a lot of talk about a potential temple in Brasilia, to which Planaltina is a suburb of.
- -The Colima Mexico District is also trying its hardest to becoming a stake by the end of the year. It seems more likely that it will be made into a stake next year and missionaries and primarily working to increase active, full tithe-paying Melchizedek Priesthood holders.
- -The Phnom Penh Cambodia North and the Phnom Penh Cambodia South Districts are preparing their branches toward becoming wards. Cambodia is the country with the second most members without a stake.
If you wish to provide information about other districts close to becoming stakes or have any corrections to what I have said, feel free to leave a comment.
City Opens For Missionary Work In Ukraine
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Districts Dissolved in Colombia and Panama
Friday, November 7, 2008
Future Membership Growth
You can see some amazing growth has occurred in these countries since 1980. The Dominican Republic went from just 1,000 members to over 100,000 members in 2006. Membership in Brazil and Peru increased by a factor of 10. Membership in the United States has also doubled in the past 25 years. It is likely that we will find the bulk of the future growth of the Church in these 19 countries.
There are areas of the world which have high potential to experience strong growth in the next 20 years. These countries are in Africa, South America, and Asia. These are listed in Table 1.
These growth projections are based on how membership in countries which have over 100,000 members behaved when their memberships were smaller as well as their growth rates for the past eight years. I believe that these projections provide an accurate view of what the distribution of Church membership will look like in the coming decades with the exception of Paraguay and Malaysia. I imagine membership growth in Paraguay will slow in the coming years considering 1% of the population is already a member of the Church and Latin American countries tend to grow much slower once around 1-2% of the population is converted. As for Malaysia, there is always the possibility that membership could reach over half a million in the next 20-30 years, but unlikely considering the vast majority of the rapid growth the Church is experiencing there is due to immigrants and the native peoples on the island of Borneo joining the Church.
The most likely countries that we will see strong membership (and congregation) growth are mainly Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo and Ghana. These countries resemble the growth seen in South America in the 1980s the most (even though it is not quite a strong as it was then).
Table 1

Thursday, November 6, 2008
City Opens For Missionary Work In Slovenia
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
District Created in Papua New Guinea
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New Branch in Guyana
Sunday, October 26, 2008
New District in Peru
Monday, October 20, 2008
New Stakes in Utah
This brings the total number of stakes created in Utah this year to at least seven.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
First Branch(es) created in Sudan
Furthermore, Sudan has been officially added to the Uganda Kampala Mission. The other two countries in the mission are Ethiopia and Rwanda.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
New Stake Created in Mexico
I will provide the name of the new stake once in becomes available.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bringing the Temple to the Saints
This is a pretty impressive number considering 10.8 million of the 13.2 million members of the Church are this close to a temple. However, that still means that nearly 2.4 million members are quite distant from a Temple of the Lord.The planning and building of temples in the last 27 years has led to a
remarkable statistic. Elder William Walker, with the LDS Temple Department,
said, "Eighty-two percent of the members live within 200 miles of a temple
worldwide, which is essentially within about three hours of ground
I have developed a ratio to provide an insight into how available temples are to the members of the Church. I take the number of stakes in the Church for a given year and divide it by the total number of operating temples for that given year. Larger numbers indicate more stakes are assigned to each temple (usually meaning that members have to travel further to reach that temple). Smaller numbers indicate fewer stakes are assigned to each temple (meaning that members are closer to each temple).
- 1945 - 19 stakes per temple
- 1955 - 25 stakes per temple
- 1965 - 32 stakes per temple
- 1975 - 46 stakes per temple
- 1980 - 68 stakes per temple
- 1985 - 43 stakes per temple
- 1990 - 41 stakes per temple
- 1995 - 46 stakes per temple
- 2000 - 25 stakes per temple
- 2005 - 22 stakes per temple
- 2008 - 22 stakes per temple
I am comfortable to say that temples today are as available to the membership of the Church as they were back in 1945. This may sound counter intuitive, but back in 1945 Church membership was almost entirely in the Western United States, where six of the eight temples of the Church were at the time (seven if you count the temple in Cardston Alberta). Today the country with the most members without a temple (Nicaragua) has 60,000 members, or less than 0.5% of total Church membership. This illustrates that the Church has done a terrific job in making temples more available its members.
The 40 or so small, miniature temples built around 10 years ago kind of throw this statistic off a bit. About two-thirds of these temples serve less than 10 stakes and almost all of them are in Mexico or the United States.
Rapid Growth in Madagascar

New Branch
A new branch was recently created in the port city of Toamasina. There are now two branches in the city with a third branch to be created in the coming month or two. This is a signficant development for the Church in Madagascar because Toamasina is the first city outside the capital with more than one congregation.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
New Congregations in Trinidad and Pohnpei
Today a new branch was organized in Trinidad in the city of Port Fortin. A group was organized six months ago. There were almost 30 members and investigators in attendance at this historic event. This is the first branch to be created in the southern part of the country. I believe this is the 11th congregation on Trinidad. Still no word on when a stake will be created for the island.
A new branch was recently created on the island. A group was also created in Nett which I believe is on Kosrae. Both of these islands are part of the Micronesia Guam Mission.
New District Created in Pakistan?
According to the Church's official website for the Hong Kong China Temple District,11217,1915-1-84-2,00.html, the Karachi Pakistan District is now listed. There has been a district functioning in Pakistan since the mid 1990s and has been named the Pakistan District and later the Islamabad Pakistan District. In 2001 five of the six branches at the time where in the northern part of Pakistan and under the name of the Islamabad Pakistan District. The district was listed under the temple district for the Hong Kong China Temple and was removed a couple years ago (as were other Church units in areas of the world which are not so tolerant to the Church). Considering the majority of the branches in Pakistan are in the northern part of the country, the Karachi Pakistan District seems to be a new district created considering the city of Karachi is about 500 miles away from the closest branch in the north. However, as of 2001 only one branch was in the city. Districts have at least two branches. Another bit of information which supports the fact that this could be a new district is that other Church units in other places in the world which were taken off temple district listings a couple years ago were not put back on the temple district lists.
The Church only has Pakistani missionaries in Pakistan and they meet only with Christian Pakistanis. Pakistan is under the recently created India New Delhi Mission.
If anyone has any information about whether this is a new district of the Church, please leave your commit.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Updated List of the States in the United States with the Most Members Without a Temple
1. Virginia
- - 83,225 members
- - 19 stakes
- - 183 congregations
- - Washington DC Temple (19,0)
- - 59,970 members
- - 16 stakes
- - 151 congregations
- - Billings Montana Temple (5,0), Ogden Utah Temple (5,0), Denver Colorado Temple (2,0), Idaho Falls Idaho Temple (2,0), Vernal Utah Temple (2,0)
- - 40,139 members
- - 11 stakes
- - 96 congregations
- - Chicago Illinois Temple (4,0), Columbus Ohio Temple (1,0), Louisville Kentucky Temple (6,0)
- - 32,116 members
- - 7 stakes
- - 74 congregations
- - Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple (2,0), St. Louis Missouri Temple (2,0), Winter Quarters Nebraska Temple (2,0), Denver Colorado Temple (1,0)
- - 30,280 members
- - 5 stakes, 1 district
- - 58 congregations
- - Manhattan New York Temple (4,1), Washington DC Temple (1,0)
- - 25,296 members
- - 5 stakes
- - 56 congregations
- - Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple (3,0), Memphis Tennessee Temple (2,0)
- - 23,907 members
- - 6 stakes
- - 68 congregations
- - Chicago Illinois Temple (5,0), St. Paul Minnesota Temple (1,0)
- - 23,301 members
- - 7 stakes
- - 69 congregations
- - Nauvoo Illinois Temple (3,0), Winter Quarters Nebraska Temple (4,0)
- - 20,377 members
- - 4 stakes
- - 44 congregations
- - Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple (3,0), Memphis Tennessee Temple (1,0)
- - 16,491 members
- - 4 stakes
- - 38 congregations
- - Washington DC Temple (2,0), Columbus Ohio Temple (1,0), Louisville Kentucky Temple (1,0)
- - 10,160 members
- - 2 stakes
- - 32 congregations
- - Boston Massachusetts Temple (2,0)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Updated List of the Countries with the Most Members Without a Temple
1. Nicaragua
- - 59,886 members
- - 8 stakes, 6 districts
- - 90 congregations
- - Guatemala City Guatemala Temple (8,6)
2. Portugal
- - 38,100 members
- - 6 stakes, 4 districts
- - 75 congregations
- - Madrid Spain Temple (6,4)
3. France
- - 34,638 members
- - 9 stakes, 2 districts
- - 117 congregations
- - Bern Switzerland Temple (5,0), Frankfurt Germany Temple (2,2), London England Temple (1,0), Madrid Spain Temple (1,0)
- - 19,808 members
- - 5 stakes, 2 districts
- - 43 congregations
- - Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple (5,2)
- - 19,583 members
- - 15 districts
- - 129 congregations
- - Helsinki Finland Temple (0,15)
- - 19,313 members
- - 5 stakes, 4 districts
- - 65 congregations
- - Johannesburg South Africa Temple (5,4)
- - 16,969 members
- - 3 stakes, 2 districts
- - 45 congregations
- - Johannesburg South Africa Temple (3,2)
- - 16,060 members
- - 1 stake, 6 districts
- - 53 congregations
- - Sydney Australia Temple (1,6)
- - 15,457 members
- - 1 stake, 5 districts
- - 39 congregations
- - Hong Kong China Temple (1,5)
- - 14,514 members
- - 4 stakes
- - 36 congregations
- - Apia Samoa Temple (4,0)
Rome Italy Temple
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple
With the announcement of the temples in Philadelphia and Kansas City, there are now 70 temples either currently operating, under construction or announced in the United States.
I think the most likely locations for future temples in the United States include
- Indianapolis, Indiana
- Tucson, Arizona
- Rogers, Arkansas
- Spanish Fork, Utah
- Layton, Utah
- Cedar City, Utah
- Price, Utah
- Augusta, Maine
Temples are well established in the United States. We are not likely to see many new temples announced in the future outside of Utah until we start seeing more active membership growth and stake creations.
Temple in the Greater Kansas City Area
The stakes in the Kansas City area continue to grow. The newest stake was created back in 2004 and the Liberty Missouri Stake has the most congregations out of any stake in the area (nine wards and four branches).
Córdoba Argentina Temple
Calgary Alberta Temple
Alberta has over 73,600 members organized in 205 congregations. The last new stake created in Alberta was in Edmonton. The Calgary Alberta Temple will become the third temple in the province and the eight in Canada. Canada's membership stands around 175,000. The last new stake created in Canada was in Quebec in 2006.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Five New Temples Announced
- Calgary Alberta Temple
- Cordoba Argentia Temple
- Kansas City Missouri Temple
- Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple
- Rome Italy Temple
This brings the number of temples announced, operating, or under construction to 145.
I will provide further analysis on these new temples announced when I get more free time. Right now I am a bit overwhelmed with school.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
City Opens for Missionary Work in Mozambique
Friday, September 26, 2008
Draper Utah Temple Dedication Date Announced
The temples in Provo and Ogden have over 70 stakes assigned to each. It seems likely that new temples could be announced in places like Spanish Fork or Layton considering the growth these areas are experiencing.
The Church also announced a couple years ago that land was acquired nearby Riverton, Utah for a future temple. Leaders stated that this temple would be announced and constructed once membership in the area demanded it.
Membership in Utah increased by over 30,000 in 2007.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Missionaries Back in Serbia
Congregation Growth Outside The United States
- Brazil - +40
- Mexico - +26
- Argentina - +14
- Ghana - +9
- Philippines - +8
- Dominican Republic - +6
Roughly 70% of the non-United States increase in congregations can be attributed to the top five countries.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
New Stake in the Dominican Republic; District Dissolved in Guatemala
The Puerto San Jose Guatemala District was recently dissolved. Puerto San Jose is on the Pacific Coast and was likely combined with a nearby district.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Stake Dissolved in South Florida
This is the third stake dissolved in the United States this year. I want to make it clear that there are many more new stakes being created in the United States and around the world versus stakes being dissolved. There have been at least 14 new stakes created in the United States this year and eight new stakes created in the rest of the world. Since membership is dynamic and people move based on their circumstances and environment, it is not surprising to see stakes get dissolved occasionally. On an average year, around three to six stakes are dissolved around the world.
It does appear that we are going to see a fairly large drop in the number of new stakes created this year for the Church. This is primarily because few stakes have been organized internationally. However, we should see a jump in the number of new congregations created outside of the United States this year, since so many new cities have opened for missionary work and some missions are setting records for baptisms (especially in Brazil). As for new congregations created in the United States, it looks like it will be around the same amount as usual, around 200. We are also likely to see quite a few new stakes created in Utah considering nine stakes have over 14 congregations in them and many more have 12 or 13. Stakes typically have five to 12 congregations.
In 2007 we did not see as large of an increase in congregations, but a big jump (around 20,000) in terms of membership increase. This is likely due to the lag time between converts getting baptized in a large enough quantity (and staying active) to merit a new congregation being created. Furthermore, last year several districts matured into stakes, which indicate growth in membership activity, but is not reflected in congregation increase since the branches simply become wards.
As for the greatest challenge the Church faces at this time, I believe it is making converts into Church leaders. Another great challenge is increasing the missionary force around the world without sacrificing the quality of our missionaries. While every country in Central America has seen quite a boost in growth last year, it will not mean much (and be repeating the mistakes of quick baptism-no fellow shipping missionary work which precipitated into hundreds of congregations being dissolved from 2001 to 2003) if we do not see an increase in congregations this year or next year.
Lastly, I want to close by saying things are improving for the Church and membership is maturing. This will allow for greater growth in the future and more temples.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Stake Dissolved in California
Church Removes Foreign Missionaries in Sri Lanka
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Church Pulls North American Missionaries Out of Bolivia
This year there have been two other countries where missionaries have been pulled out of entirely, which are Serbia and Georgia. Countries which have been seeing disruptions in missionary work recently include Russia (due to foreign visa renewal laws) and Sri Lanka (in the city of Kandy).
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Groundbreaking Set For San Salvador El Salvador Temple
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Largest Increases in Membership
- United States* - 91,631 - 28%
- Brazil - 48,250 - 15%
- Mexico - 39,466 - 12%
- Philippines - 22,036 - 7%
- Peru - 16,356 - 5%
- Argentina - 8,003 - 2.5%
- Honduras - 5,347 - 1.6%
- Chile - 5,115 - 1.5%
- Ecuador - 5,104 - 1.5%
- Paraguay - 5,080 - 1.5%
Approximately 75% of the increase in Church membership can be found in these 10 countries.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Fastest Growing Countries For the Church: 2007
- St. Lucia - 105.5% - 113
- Central African Republic - 81.7% - 396
- Benin - 35.9% - 216
- Cameroon - 29.9% - 639
- Togo - 27.5% - 733
- Malaysia - 27.3% - 4,626
- Guyana - 24.1% - 2,572
- Suriname - 23.3% - 847
- Georgia - 21.4% - 153
- Solomon Islands - 17.9% - 231
- Malawi - 17.5% - 705
- Guadeloupe - 17.1% - 356
- Kazakhstan - 16.8% - 125
- French Guiana - 15.7% - 287
- Namibia - 15.0% - 506
- Madagascar - 13.0% - 4,160
- Mozambique - 12.9% - 4,216
- Armenia - 12.3% - 2,650
- Bahamas - 12.0% - 774
- Iceland - 11.6% - 250
A few interesting points to notice about last year's membership growth. First, in 2006 there were only 15 countries with over 11% growth and in 2007 there were 20. Second, in 2006 there were six countries (out of 15) with over 11% growth with over 1,000 members and in 2007 there were only five countries (out of 20) with 11% growth. This illustrates that the Church is growing in places it has not been well established yet at an accelerated rate. Furthermore, growth slowed slightly in some countries that experienced very high growth in 2006 (like Ghana and Zambia). Many of these countries that are not included in the list for 2007 above but were in it in 2006 have growth rates around 10%.
New Stake in Texas
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
New Stake in Idaho
Country Membership and Congregation Totals Released For 2007
Monday, September 8, 2008
New Full Translation of the Book of Mormon
Saturday, September 6, 2008
New Stake Created in Idaho
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Angola Opens to Missionary Work
I image the missionaries will only work in Luanda for the time being.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
New Branch and Group
Just a couple posts ago, I stated that I would not be surprised if the branch in Mbuji-Mayi, Democratic Republic of the Congo would be divided soon. President Livingstone divided the branch earlier this month, so now two branches meet in this, the third largest city in the country of 1.2 million.
New Group
Another new group was created in the West Indies Mission in the town of Parika, located west of Georgetown. It was created from the Vreed-en-Hoop Branch.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
New Branches Created in South Africa
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
New Group in Suriname
Sunday, August 24, 2008
New Branch in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Livingstones also stated in a comment posted under "Countries with the most members without a temple" that a new stake is likely to be created before the end of the year in the DR of Congo along with several more in 2009. I imagine they refer to splitting the stake in Lubumbashi, but the stakes in Kinshasa and Brazzaville grow at a rapid rate. The only district in the country I see as being close to stakehood is in Luputa, but we'll have to see. I also would not be surprised if the branch in Mbuji-Mayi gets divided soon because it has grown quite large.
New Branch in Guyana
Monday, August 18, 2008
Districts Dissolved
The Orange Walk Belize District was recently combined with the Belize City District. The district in Orange Walk has had only two branches in Orange Walk and Corozal. The first stake in Belize is supposedly very close to happening and this would be part of its preparation. There are around 3,200 members in Belize in two districts.
Papua New Guinea
Last year a district was dissolved in the capital city (the Port Moresby Papua New Guinea Central District) and in the past month or two the Isumo Papua New Guinea District was combined with the Daru Papua New Guinea District. The district that was in Isumo only had three branches while the district in Daru had four branches. It is likely that this might be the location of the second stake to be created in Papua New Guinea. Daru is located on a small island near the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea border.
Around four or five years ago, the Falcon Venezuela District was divided into the Falcon and Coro Districts. Up until they were both combined into the Falcon District again, the Falcon District had five branches while the Coro District had four. Again, it is very likely this has been done in preparation of a future stake in the area. Growth has been substantial since 2002 when there were only six branches in the region.
Stake Dissolved in Colombia
New District Created in Peru
New Congregations in the Dominican Republic and Paraguay
News From the West Indies Mission

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Update of Church Growth
A new branch was recently created in the Jinja District of Uganda. The Mpumudde Branch is the fifth branch in the Jinja District and the 16th in Uganda.
City Opens for Missionary Work in Malawi
The capital city of Malawi received a branch of the Church last fall and has just opened to missionary work. Lilongwe and Blantyre are the only cities opened for missionary work at this time in the country. There are three or four branches in Malawi today.
City Opens for Missionary Work in Botswana
Last spring missionaries were sent to open the city of Molepolole to the preaching of the Gospel. A branch has been established and there are now three branches and two wards in the country. The city of Molepolole has around 54,600 inhabitants and was the largest city that did not have the Church established in it yet in Botswana.
Rapid Growth in Qatar
Although Muslims are not allowed to attend Church services and the Qatari government does not recognize the Church, the city of Doha has two wards in it for foreigners living in the country. The second ward was organized last year for Filipinos as a branch originally, but has rapidly grown since its creation. Members in both congregations are living there on business.
New Ward created in Taiwan
The 10th ward in the Kaohsiung Taiwan Stake was recently created in Taliao. The stake now has 10 wards and a branch. It is likely the stake will be divided soon since it is the largest stake it Taiwan at this time.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Update on Missionaries in the Republic of Geogia
Monday, August 11, 2008
Cities Without A LDS Church Presence Blog
On a different note, I have not yet received word concerning the dozen or so missionaries serving in the Republic of Georgia and whether they have been evacuated due to the Russian invasion. Georgia currently has two branches functioning in the capital city of Tbilisi. The country was opened to missionary work just back in the spring of 2006. I will provide updates once information becomes available.
Monday, August 4, 2008
City Opens for Missionary Work In Slovakia
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Church in South Korea

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
City Opens For Missionary Work in Romania
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Church in Sudan
This story excited me because it is the largest gathering of people learning about the Church who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The only other times I can find a comparable situation to this one was when many were meeting in the Church's name in Ghana and Nigeria 30 years ago. Those meetings were only in the hundreds, not the thousands though.
Friday, July 18, 2008
New District Created in Brazil
Northeastern Brazil is currently experiencing the highest growth rates in the country. For instance, in 2005 there were only two stakes and two districts in the Rio Grande Do Norte State (which is just north of the state of Paraiba). Today there are six stakes.