Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Stake In Spain

The Vitoria Spain Stake was created today in the Spain Bilbao Mission. The new stake becomes Spain's 10th stake and the first in northern Spain. The new stake includes five wards (the Santander, San Sebastian, Bilbao, Logrono and Pamplona Wards) and three branches (Las Arenas, Vitoria and Burgos). There were an estimated 700-850 in attendance for the stake's creation. Growth has been slow but steady in northern Spain. The new stake is the result of decades of missionary work. The Bilbao Spain District (which was used to make the new stake) was originally organized in 1980.


Ray said...

Great news! After so many stakes were formed in June and August I thought we wouldn't see new stakes for awhile. If there are just 8 or 9 more stakes by the end of the year it will be the busiest year since 1998 for stake creation.

Districts must have dropped a bit since so many have become stakes.

The Chatelain's said...

Is there an update about the potential stake in Sicily?

Matt said...

It sounds like a future stake in Sicily is still in progress. Missionaries serving in the area reported at the end of July that a conference for the island was done to help prepare members for a stake. There has been no time set for when a stake would be created though.