Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Stake Created in Peru; District Discontinued in Peru

New Stake
Last Sunday, a new stake was created in Lima, Peru.  The Lima Perú Pachacamac Stake was organized from the Lima Peru Villa Salvador Stake and includes the following six wards: The Floresta, José Gálvez, Las Lomas, Lurin, Pachacamac, and Villa Alejandro Wards.  There are now 41 stakes in the Lima metropolitan area.

District Discontinued
The Church recently discontinued the Marcona Peru District.  With originally only two branches, the former district had one of its two branches closed and was consolidated with the nearby Nazca Peru District (which had one of its three branches closed).  The Nazca Peru District now has three branches within its boundaries.

There are now 99 stakes and 22 districts in Peru.


  1. The Nkulumane Zimbabwe Stake was created on 2 June. There are 4 wards and 4 branches in the stake:

    Nketa 1st Ward
    Nkulumane 2nd Ward
    Nkulumane 1st Ward
    Tshabalala Ward
    Emganwini Branch
    Mzilikazi Branch
    Nketa 2nd Branch
    Nkulumane 3rd Branch

    The Senac Ward, Tarija Bolivia Stake was created on 4 June. There are now 10 wards in the stake:

    Aeropuerto Ward
    Central Ward
    Cuatro de Julio Ward
    Panamericano Ward
    Paraíso Ward
    Progreso Ward
    Rosedal Ward
    San Bernardo Ward
    Senac Ward
    Tabladita Ward

  2. The Nkulumane Zimbabwe Stake was created from The Bulawayo Zimbabwe Stake, which retains 5 wards and 2 branches:

    Emakhandeni Branch
    Khumalo Branch
    Entumbane Ward
    Famona Ward
    Gwabalanda Ward
    Luveve Ward
    Mpopoma Ward

  3. Thanks for the news. I served in the Lima South Mission and was in Villa Alejandro. I knew it was only a matter of time before the Villa El Salvador Stake was split due to its size and activity. Exciting news. The news about Marcona, however, is less enthusiastic. Also part of my mission, Nazca has always been a struggling zone. Hopefully things can change there.

  4. A friend of mine from Lima, Peru wrote me to say that his stake, La Molina (which includes the Lima temple in its boundaries) is set to be divided this coming weekend, to create the 100th Stake in Peru. They're making a big deal about it to get as many members to the Stake Conference as possible....
