Friday, April 17, 2020

More Updated Country Statistical Profiles - April 17th, 2020

I have updated the following country statistical profiles for


  1. The more I think about Elder Sitati being the new president of the area based in his home city where he was the first stake president the more excited I am. Hopefully he applies some of the models of growth like the Daloa plan to the Africa Cebtral Area. Growth is moving forward in DR Congo since there are so many unreached areas.

  2. DR Congo is such a vast country. So much to expand to.
    What 3 countries of the above list will have the next new dedicated temples? Congo just had its 3rd announced, great to see.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Right, I meant Nigeria, thanks. DRC only 17% accessed, not that many Muslims.

  5. Wow, Zambia has a very high rate/number of Seventh Day Adventists. It would be interesting to see a list of their highest numbers in the world. Miller did not know Joseph Smith Jr, I do not think, but I believe Helen White did. Thanks for the info.
    I had a friend from my Indiana home ward who was called to Zimbabwe but served in Zambia the whole mission due to political problems.
    Maybe Lusaka could get a temple announced in the next few years.

  6. Hello!!

    When thinking that the African continent or the baptisms for the people of dark skin happened until the change by the Prophet of the moment, it is not so many years and the growth that they have had in the Church is enormous and constant in most cases, not forgetting how stigmatized they were by the curse that we were taught so much and that the Church wanted to erase.
    I do not say this, in order to polemicize, I speak it because I lived it and heard from my leaders when I was baptized in 1990 in Chile.
    The Church will continue to grow, because there is still faith and a desire to follow God, regardless of the obstacles.

    I am pleased with the progress they have made and I hope that more temples exist in Africa and help from the Church.

    A hug from Chile

    Omar Elías

  7. I baptized a few people in the Concepcion Mission in 1990. Congrats for being active. Gives me hope. Hang in there.
