Thursday, April 30, 2020

April 2020 Newsletter

Click here to access the April 2020 Newsletter for


  1. Thanks, Matt, for this wonderful analysis. I was grateful for the context you provided on metric-by-metric growth of the Church during 2019. And while it is not surprising that no new stakes or districts were created in April, it is wonderful that none were dissolved. I have mentioned previously on this very blog how my temple predictions stacked up against what was announced. And it appears in that respect that there are some cases where President Nelson is throwing out the rule book and announcing temples in unexpected locations, while in other cases, such as the United States, he is announcing more temples than has recently been done. During the last 5 sets of temple announcements made by President Monson, 4 new US temples were announced.

    By contrast, President Nelson has made 5 sets of temple announcements, he has announced a total of 11 new temples that will be built in the United States, of which 6 have been for the state of Utah. I recemtly heard a theory on my blog that here in my home state of Utah, the goal is to reduce the mileage from any given residence to their assigned temples to a 10-mile one-way trip. If that theory proves correct, perhaps the rule book is also being thrown out for Utah temples as well.

    Sorry for that meandering sidetrack. My intended point was that we are seeing an unprecedented number of temples being announced overall, and that is especially true in the United States and particularly true here in Utah. The one other thing I'd like to note here is that I am cautiously optimistic that at some point prior to the October 2020 General Conference, if not before, everything in the Church might return to the normal status quo. That might be overly optimistic or perhaps an underestimation, but whenever the Church does get back to normal, I hope that things won't just return to a business-as-usual status.

    By that I mean that if we just fall into the same old routines and do not continue to take the kind of responsibility for our Sunday worship which now has landed solely in our own personal and familial laps in absence of formal Sunday worship, then we will have missed the mark and a huge opportunity for growth and increased inspiration going forward. And if the growth of the Church is to ever effectively get back on track and exceed current expectations in 2020 once these storms pass, that will only effectively occur if we continue to do our parts once this crisis passes. Hope these musings, such as they are, are helpful to all who read them. Thanks again to you all, and especially to you, Matt, for the wonderful discussions that your published content in these posts originates

  2. Cool to see Woodstock, New Brunswick reached by the church again. There was a branch in that area 170 years ago when my paternal ancestor joined the church but dissolves when most came To Utah.

  3. This is a tremendous list of cities and towns that have "new" Church presence. I can imagine being a missionary that has served in one of them that finally sees it acknowledged. It is great to see Church membership in towns and villages under 50,000 people, but what grabs my attention here are the cities of over 100,000. Colombia and Byelorussia both jump out, cities that are hardly ever heard of.

    Quimbo? And Belorussia is one of the world's least known nations. May they continue to grow.

  4. Are Church service missionaries only counted when they leave their homes. I know there are some programs to have them serve from home.

    Also there are growing numbers of young Church service missionaries. I saw someone get a calling who had been the service missionary group leader I think in Bakersfield.

    There is a lot going on. Even here in Michigan the Church donated $10,000 to help with home bottled water distribution in Flint. A vital program with the mix of lead in the water and COVID-19.

    The local news interviewed stake president Marcelino Sanchez and used the full name of the Church twice in the article and never mentioned Mormon at all. It shows me the claims by some that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is too long of a name to use are false.

  5. I think that when church services start up again, they'll probably start slow, start with Sacrament Meetings, then later continue with Sunday School and Priesthood/Relief Society. Of course I could be wrong.

    1. The thing is it is sacrament meeting that has the most people. So I really think they will go all out.

      Social distancing in sacrament meeting will be hard. I really want Church to restart sometime in June at the latest.

  6. If they put a temple in Baltimore, Maryland, we'll have a temple in every major city in the Mid Atlantic region. Of course it would probably only serve the Annapolis Maryland Stake, Baltimore Maryland Stake, Columbia Maryland Stake and Frederick Maryland Stake.

    1. That is still more stakes than are served by most tem po less in Canada. Well 4 of 9 so not most.

  7. Baltimore, having a temple, might be closest for a Delaware Stake. But Baltimore is a pretty close drive to D.C. in Kensington, MD, on the north side.

  8. Matt,

    I am curious to your reference to the church reaching Woodstock NB (Zefu's reference caught my attention) and Island Falls ME. Does that mean the branches there were recently re-instated? Do you have more information about this? I didn't know they had been closed.

    (I lived in the Saint John NB stake from 1988-1993. I believe there was a branch in Woodstock then, but it may have been that they were part of a branch in Houlton, ME.) I'm pretty sure the stake patriarch (from whom I received my blessing in the early 90's) lived in Woodstock.

  9. @twinnumerouno, found this on Classic Maps :

    Meetinghouse - 5338751-01-01
    205 Neilson Street

  10. What exactly is the criteria for "Newly Reached Locations?"

    Is it finding out a member group is in the town? Is it when a new set of missionaries gets assigned to the area? I've been wondering that for years.
