Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Updated Country Profile - Andorra

Click here to access the updated Reaching the Nations country profile for the European micro-state of Andorra. The Church has operated the Andorra Branch since 1993 although the branch has held its meetings in La Seu d’Urgell, Spain since the early 2010s. Nevertheless, a member group was recently reestablished within the country of Andorra a couple years ago. There appear to be less than one hundred members in the country today. See below for the Future Prospects section of the article:

The continued operation of the Andorra Branch without the permanent assignment of full-time missionaries for significant periods of time in the past two decades indicates that local leadership and active membership are self-reliant and capable of fulfilling administrative tasks with minimal mentoring and supervision from missionaries and mission leaders. There has been good progress in the 2010s with the augmentation of church attendance from approximately thirteen in mid-2011 to thirty by early 2018. The establishment of a member group that assembles within Andorra has appeared primarily responsible for increases in Church attendance and reactivation efforts. Low receptivity to non-Catholic denominations will likely continue and result in stagnant membership growth for the foreseeable future unless local members are able to develop proselytism approaches culturally tailored to the needs and societal conditions of Andorra. Progress with the Church in Andorra within the foreseeable future will likely center on Spanish-speaking Latin Americans who live in the country for employment purposes as they are the most receptive group according to reports from full-time missionaries. However, the group in Andorra is vulnerable for closure in the future due to the small size of active membership and lack of adequate numbers of local leadership to staff an official branch. Moreover, the transient nature of members who temporarily live in the country for employment purposes poses challenges for long-term stability for the Church in Andorra, specifically with leadership development.


  1. I managed to piece together a little more on newly called African-American and formerly Muslim general authority Peter M. Johnson. Here https://memberoftherestoredcofjcmichigan.blogspot.com/2019/04/peter-m-johnson-revisited.html and my previous blog post was here https://memberoftherestoredcofjcmichigan.blogspot.com/2019/04/peter-m-johnson-from-rapper-to-general.html

  2. Here's a great blog post on the Budapest temple announcement and the Church's, shall we say, less than phenomenal conditions in Europe.

    1. Eh this day and age all churches are failing to grow in Europe. I saw a YouTube doco where youth in Spain had council approval to gut out and reconvert an old catholic cathedral into a skate park, a skate park yes among other things. The doco was about what Europeans are doing with old church buildings since they are no longer needed. Also many would identify as Christian on terms of parental and cultural ties but never attend in their lives and can't tell you the first thing about Christianity but yet are proud to identify. The secular world at its best.

    2. Hi William,
      What was the Youtube link for that doco as I'd be really interested in watching it?

  3. President and Sister Nelson, along with Elder and Sister Gong, will travel to several countries in the Pacific next month. The locations include Hawaii, Samoa, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga, and Tahiti.


  4. Don't you think it likely Temple Announcements can be made outside GC?

    1. It was last done intentionally with Trujillo in 2008. Paris was but only because a paper got wi d and leaked it. It was supposed to have waited to gemeral conference. Prior to 2008 a large portion of temple announcements were not at general conference especially the 32+ temples that brought us to 100 from 1998-2000.

  5. @ Mariposa y Huesos

    Yes, any announcements can and have been made outside of GC. At least in the last twenty or so years, many temples have been announced that way so I don't see why not. The important thing is that the temples get actually built and hopefully fast. The other important thing is that we actually use those temples as much as possible.
