Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Church Receives Official Recognition in Kuwait

The Church announced this morning that it received official registration in Kuwait. Based upon reports I have received, it appears that this recognition occurred in February. The Church in Kuwait had approximately 350 members and one ward as of year-end 2017. The Kuwait Ward pertains to the Manama Bahrain Stake which covers Kuwait, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. For more information about the Church in Kuwait, see the updated Reaching the Nations country profile entry here. This development will permit a more public Church presence in Kuwait and perhaps meetinghouse construction although proselytism with full-time missionaries does not appear to be a likely possibility anytime soon given current religious freedom restrictions.

1 comment:

  1. This is such exciting news!!! Is this the only Middle Eastern country that officially recognizes the church? Or just the most recent (the UAE does, right)? And what does this mean in the practical sense? (Like they will be able to have the name of the church listed on the buildings... or proseyltism is now okay, or what?)
