Thursday, October 18, 2018

Stake, District, and Temple Map

A new map from Church of Jesus Christ Temples (formerly provides the location for all non-sensitive stakes and districts in the worldwide Church. The new map can be found here: This is a great resource for looking at the international distribution of the Church's "centers of strength" worldwide. Special thanks for Rick Satterfield for developing this resource!


  1. This is awesome! What a great resource to have. Thanks Matt for letting us know and a shout out to Rick for putting this together.

  2. In the biography of President Gordon B. Hinckley, one chapter, written to focus on his time in the apostleship, was entitled: "Temples to Dot the Earth." That was before the prophetic impetus during his administration which more than doubled in the course of a few short years. If recent comments about President Nelson's plans to expand the number of temples is any indication whatsoever, the Church has barely scratched the surface of that idea. I look forward to seeing what's ahead in that regard. Thank you, Matt, for sharing this news. What a valuable resource!

  3. The temple and its influence is an amazing thing for those with desires to please the Lord. I know in my life the temple has been a motivating factor to have been more virtuous and to have tangible goals to covenant with God and save/exalt kindred dead. What a powerul and sublime gift!
    Washington DC, Chicago, IL, Provo, UT, Santiago, Chile,all the Utah temples, St. Louis, MO, Los Angeles, CA, Philadelphia, PA, and many more...
    All bring priesthood power and cleanliness and the Spirit of Elijah to each individual and the communities that they touch.
    May they go forward to fill the earth and fill our hearts.

  4. I have previously referenced the fact that my mom, along with her parents and siblings, sold most (if not all) of their possessions to enable them to travel from their home in South Africa to the nearest temple (which was then the one in London England). About 2.5 decades after making that trip, my mom came to the United States on a "short vacation" that only technically "ended" last year when she returned home for the first time. One of the big things I remember her commenting on is the fact that temples in the United States generally (and in Utah in particular) are so close to the membership here. And it has been a sad truth to realize that there may still be so many here in Utah (and elsewhere as well) that take having temples nearby very much for granted.

    My parents recently went to the eastern United States to visit my sister and her husband (where my brother-in-law is attending medical school). In one conversation they had while there, the conversation turned to people they knew who live in some of the areas impacted by the renovation closures for the Memphis Tennessee, Oklahoma City Oklahoma, Raleigh North Carolina, Baton Rouge Louisiana and Washington D. C. Temples. If what I was told about that conversation is correct, many of the Saints in those impacted areas are gaining a whole new appreciation for similar sacrifices that are now needed to get to the nearest operating temple, and are looking forward to more fully utilizing those temples once they reopen.

    And if that kind of impact can be felt when hundreds of miles are involved, then surely there is an equal or greater positive impact when Saints in areas far-flung understand what it will mean to be spared difficult journeys of 1,000 miles or more. So many of the faithful Saints in such areas have been attending the temple as often as they can, regardless of what it might cost them personally or financially to do so. It is wonderful to see them have temples announced in their midst, so they can be spared from those long journeys in the future. Many do not seem to appreciate what they have until they don't have it or unless they have previously experienced being without it.

  5. Another change has happened relating to the correct name emphasis. The videos now being put out that would have been in the Mormon Messages series now do not have that at the end of them. The first onw, apparently, although there could have been one or two before, was released yesterday and is titled 'Songs Sung and Unsung.

  6. And there has been yet another change. The Church News URL has changed to Since the site subheading describes itself as "a living record of the restoration", and since the articles posted there are all about the Church, a change to that URL seems very appropriate. Hope this information is helpful to you all.

  7. The change to the subheading "A living record of the restoration" seems now to fit with this larger change.
