Saturday, August 18, 2018

Updated Country Profile - Western Sahara

Click here to access our updated Reaching the Nations country profile for Western Sahara. Occupied by Morocco for more than 40 years, Western Sahara is the Maghreb's least populated country with approximately 600,000 inhabitants. There have never appeared to have been any Sahrawi Latter-day Saint converts. There are no known Latter-day Saints residing in the country. With a homogeneously Sunni Muslim population and religious freedom restrictions imposed by the Moroccan government, Western Sahara appears likely to number among the last countries in the world to have an LDS presence established one day. 


  1. Africa keeps collecting semi-states. Back in the early 1990s we had Puntaland and Somaliland, now we have Libya cut in half, and Western Sahara has been going for decades...

    Yet the continent shows so much promise in so many places. Great to see the Church grow there robustly.

  2. I still have not (I think) been responded as to why doesn't update mission maps, unit maps stake maps...

  3. Probably because it's such a huge job to do the constant updates, but I'm sure they will get done. Just takes a lot of time. I'm grateful for what we do have, for sure!

  4. The Anchorage YSA Ward, Anchorage Alaska Chugach Stake was discontinued today. The membership has been split between the Cook Inlet YSA Ward and the Susitna YSA Ward.

  5. In my stake the first meeting in stake conference is being changed from priesthood leadership to leadership so all counselors and secretaries where the president goes to ward council are invited. I am guessing this is a general change.

  6. A new stake was created in the Charlotte NC area on 8/19, effective next Sunday 8/26. Fort Mill, South Carolina Stake. Gastonia NC Stake, Charlotte South Stake and Charlotte Central Stake all affected.

  7. Will the new almanac also include profiles for individual US states. I'm very curious about Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Washington DC. Also if and when they update I also think it would be interesting if they put the dates the stakes districts wards and branches were founded.

  8. Bryan, while I am not authorized in any way to speak on Matt's behalf, unless I am mistaken, the Almanac upon which country profiles are based is an international almanac. Matt has in the past had other blogs on which he updates unit data for the US and Canada, but as far as I can tell, those have not been recently updated.

    Additionally, unless you are looking for specific unit information for the US and Canada, most information that is known (which is current as of just after the April General Conference) can be found via Mormon Newsroom, under Facts & Statistics. Additionally, Wikipedia hosts a page detailing all of the stakes of the Church throughout the world, grouped by world region. I include the addresses for you to find both pages below:

    If that does not answer your question, let me know, and I will try to find other data for you. In the meantime, for any who may be interested, there have been a number of Church news stories and temple developments reported lately, most (if not all) of which have been the focus of recent posts on my blog. And with just over a month left until General Conference, I continue to welcome and appreciate feedback on my updated list of temple locations. With my thanks to Matt for continuing to allow me to do so, I include a copy of the address of that particular post for any who have additional comments on either that list or any other topic posted on my blog.

    Thanks again to you all for the most enlightening conversations we have here on this blog, and to you, Matt, for allowing such discussions to occur, and again, for also continuing to let me share links to the posts on my blog as well.

  9. I guess this blog should conform more to Latter-day Saint/Church of Jesus Christ naming standards. Old habits die hard.

  10. Bryan -

    I update information on almost on a daily basis (in regards to the LDS International Atlas). There are no plans for state-specific country profiles in the new edition of the almanac.

  11. 'Priesthood Leadership' session of stake conferences have always been for presidencies, including counselors and secretaries to date, so are they bringing in auxiliary heads and presidencies now to that meeting? When a secretary to a high priest group leader, I always went and the secretaries were otherwise always vrought in.

  12. Lambert: do you mean Relief Society, YW and Primary leaders are now invited to the stake leadership meeting?
