Monday, July 23, 2018

Updated Country Profile - Sudan

Click here to access our updated Reaching the Nations country profile for Sudan. Individuals in Sudan have recently reported good relations between Christians and Muslims. However, the Sudanese government has heavily persecuted Christian groups. Nevertheless, most proselytism-focused Christian groups such as Evangelicals, Seventh-Day Adventists, and Jehovah's Witnesses, maintain a presence in Sudan. For example, there are eight Witness congregations in the greater Khartoum metropolitan area. As much as 20% of the population may be Christian although figures regarding religious demography in Sudan widely vary between religious watchdog groups and official government numbers. Latter-day Saint foreigners have lived in Khartoum from time to time, and have been successful sharing the Gospel with South Sudanese temporarily living in Sudan.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Since I am Brand New to contributing, could someone correct me if these wards and branches already existed? I may have just skipped them while writing them down.

    Jakarta Indonesia Stake:
    Bandung Branch Created

    New Delhi India Stake:
    Munirka Ward created
    Visant Vihar Branch upgraded to Ward

    1. The branch you mentioned in Bandung, Indonesia has existed for decades. And the units you mentioned in India became wards when the stake was created at the end of last year.

  3. So I guess in the case with Visant Vihar, I misread Ward, and the other two I managed to miss altogether. My excitement went from 60 to 0 real fast. I guess another question to ask, is how often are the LDS Maps updated?

  4. Jarom-

    There were two new wards created in Bolivia and Missouri. I would compare the LDS International Atlas maps to Sign in with your LDS account and search by stake. Then you can find which wards are the new ones. Currently new units begin with the digits 21 or 22.

  5. I use the extended search in CDOL to find new units.

    First i youse the unit types (stake, district, ward, branch)

    Second (Status) "changed to active"

    Third Select "in the last" enter 15 "days".

    That way i can fnd new unites. But not branches upgraded to ward's.
    Also stakes created from districts don't appear this way anymore, since the stake keeps the creation date of the district.
    I also cannot search for deactivated units, because i don't have the permissions to see them.
