Wednesday, June 21, 2017

First LDS District created in Cuba

Last Sunday the Church created its first district in Cuba. The Havana Cuba District includes two branches that meet in the Havana area. The Church has slowly grown in Cuba during the past decade and currently appears to have approximately 100 members. Cuba is currently assigned to the Dominican Republic Santiago Mission. No full-time missionaries have ever served in Cuba.


  1. Only 26+ years since I finished my Spanish-speaking mission aspiring to be a mission president in Cuba someday. Part of my downfall since then are my hyperzealous blog rants and vitriolic meanderings against detractors of the faith.
    Oh well, other worthy couples will be effective mission presidents there soon enough. Que buenas noticias.

  2. Wonderful.

    The idea of being a mission president in Cuba was so remote 34 years ago when I finished my mission to Puerto Rico that it never occurred to me that it could be possible in my life time.

    It is good to see progress in Cuba.

  3. Uncle Mike, hope you get called as a mission president there. You may have competition from my dad though. My mother in law immigrated here from cuba and lives with us. She is getting baptized this saturday.

  4. Buenas noticias, Stephen! Has your dad had many church callings? That always helps. Another detractor for me is being independently wealthy. Have to wait for retirement, most likely.

  5. Good to hear from you, Stephen.

    Your dad has a better shot at it than me. He at least has been a bishop.

  6. One 9f the members of the Young Women Feneral Board is a native of Cuba. DENISE Passe-Blanco Lindberg. Her family joined the Church in New York in the early 1960s as a result of learning of the Church at the New York World's Fair. She used to be a judge in Utah and her name was at times bounced around as a potential Supreme Court nomination. Her and her husband served as Church service missionaries assisting with a Spanish-speaking unit in the Sal Lake Area. It would not surprise me if they were sent to open the work in Cuba I dont know. On the other hand people who fled the country in about 1960 might be the worst choice. Sister Lindberg's mother was Puerto Rican and her father Cuban.

  7. Good news to hear, though I kinda thought that Greece would have a district earlier.

  8. Greece had a district in the early 90s and then lost it at some point.

  9. Please I need an office email address of church of Jesus of latter saint in Cuba,please I have something serious to discuss with them am a member of the church, please send it to me thanks
