Monday, June 1, 2015

Complete Translation of the Book of Mormon into Farsi (Persian) Completed

I received a report from my stake president yesterday in stake conference that the Church has completed the Farsi (Persian) translation of the entire Book of Mormon. The Church initially translated select passages of the Book of Mormon into Farsi in 1983. Although it is unclear when the translation will be published, it appears that it will likely be available by the end of 2015. My stake president also noted that the Church has begun to translate the Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price into Farsi.

Farsi is spoken by over 47 million people worldwide and is the national statutory language of Iran according to The Church briefly operated a mission headquartered in Tehran, Iran during the mid to late 1970s. Currently there are thousands of Iranian Latter-day Saints worldwide primarily scattered across Europe and North America. Iranians have been unique among traditionally Muslim peoples in the Middle East as they have exhibited significantly higher receptivity to LDS outreach compared to other ethnolinguistic groups in the region. Currently Farsi-speaking missionaries are assigned to areas of California and Ontario, Canada.


  1. It is awesome that the church is getting all these non-speaking congregations in the world.

  2. What do you mean? Concentrations of some groups in wards?

  3. I'm sorry I was in a rush because I had to go to school. What I mean't to say was "It's awesome that the church is creating all of these non native speaking congregation's throughout the world". Forgot to tell you all who I am. My name is Cody Byers I have a hobby of LDS congregations for the past year and I love it. I'm a lds member and my dad is the Bishop of Yale Ward (Mandarin) in Irvine, CA. I have always been amazing by Matt the blogger and by there knowledge.

  4. May 24
    Nyssa 3rd Branch (Spanish), Nyssa Oregon Stake (1 Branch, 7 Wards)
    Official Town Branch, Ashaiman Ghana Stake (2 Branches, 8 Wards)
    Temple Boulevard 2nd Branch (Mandarin), Logan Utah Central Stake (2 Branches, 6 Wards)

    May 31
    Tamale Ghana District
    Education Ridge Branch
    Kalpohin Branch
    Kanvilli Branch
    Vitin Branch

    Ajebandele Branch, Ile-Ife Nigeria District (9 Branches)
    Aldeia da Serra Branch, Alphaville Brazil Stake (2 Branches, 6 Wards)
    Helena Maria Ward, Osasco Brazil Stake (1 Branch, 10 Wards)
    Penrose 1st Ward (Tongan), (Auckland New Zealand Penrose Stake 5 Wards)
    Tafuna 3rd Ward, Pago Pago Samoa Central Stake (2 Branches, 8 Wards)

    May 3
    Offinso Branch, Kumasi Ghana Bantama Stake (4 branches, 10 Wards)
    May 10
    Sidwashini Branch, Mbabane Swaziland District (6 Branches)

    YTD 249(11.19/week)
    Africa 82
    Asia 6
    Europe 6
    North America 80
    Pacific 19
    South and Central America 17
    Utah & Idaho 40

  5. When I was in 1st grade there were 2 Iranians in my class here in Michigan. I have to wonder if there might be opertunities for outreach in Farsi her in Metro Detroit. I know when I was on my mission in Las Vegas at least one Iranian family got baptized in the mission. On a few occasions I tracted into Iranians. That was back in 2000-2002.

  6. I am very encouraged by the formation of a Mandarin Speaking branch in Logan. My guess is most of the members of the branch are students at or otherwise connected with Utah State Univeristy. How many Chinese speaking units are there in Utah?

  7. Hello there are 2 units in Utah. A chinese ward in Provo and a chinese ward in SLC, but there's a asian YSA wrd in provo and it might have chinese members in it.

  8. The USC (Student) Ward in Los Angeles is about half Chinese with students from mainland China. They have an Institute Class in Chinese (Mandarin), separate Sunday School Class in Chinese, and even the Institute Building has a big banner in Chinese outside.

  9. Wow that is great to hear about USC. I'm shure that a chinese YSA branch will be created in the near future.

  10. you write very well this article, i got good information after read your effective writing style. i hope you will continue this good work.. Farsi Translation
