Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 2014 Newsletter

Click here to access our December 2014 issue of our monthly newsletter for


  1. I am really exicted by the start of using the Guatamala MTC to teach people fluent in Spanish other languages. This may be the first time MTC language instruction is given with English neither being the medium or the goal. It is a major step in the internationalizing of the Church and having every person hear the gospel in their own language.

  2. Lovely article here emphasizing many hopeful things about the church. Reports missionary count is "nearly 90,000" and points out the coming creation of new missions.

  3. Does the Guatemala City MTC teach languages other than Spanish? Maybe Quekchi or other native tongues? I know some nice Guatemaltecos at BYU who studied German down there in private school...So are they teaching English to go to other countries? Where did you get this information?


  4. Oh, I read it on the Newsletter. I have a friend that I heard pray in Que'chi (whoops) last summer. It is exciting. He was there as a missionary 20 years ago and his family also served in Chile.

  5. My Uncle found your blog and has had a hobby of compiling units of the church worldwide for the past 63 years new and old. (He keeps his collection in shoeboxes on 3x5 cards.)

    He is thrilled with your research and information, but doesn't have regular access to a computer. We like the monthly newsletters including the stakes and districts, but he really wants names of the individual wards and branches as well. Do you know of an easy way for me to print this information say... monthly for him?

    Thank you so much for your hard work!
    tkeetch at

  6. Tiff,

    At the top of this site ( Matt periodically posts lists of changes for congregations in the US and internationally. They are in the column on the right.

    Also, some members periodically post new wards and branches. For example, Michael has a post for 14 December to 4 January of new wards and branches worldwide at

    Another good place to see all wards and branches by stakes and districts and temple districts is . Select a temple and then select temple district. This shows the stakes and districts in the temple district. Click on any stake or district and you can see the congregations in the stake or district.
