Friday, January 31, 2014

January 2014 Newsletter

We have posted our January 2014 newsletter for  Our monthly newsletter includes a list of recently organized and discontinued stakes and districts, a list of cities recently opened and closed to missionary work, and a brief synopsis of significant LDS growth and missionary developments around the world.  New resources posted on the website within the past month are also summarized and listed in the newsletter.  Click here to access the newsletter.


  1. Matt,

    Thanks for the excellent monthly report! I really enjoyed the analysis of the Church's position in French Polynesia. The history is very interesting--first foreign-language mission of the Church, the effect of abandonment of the work for a number of years, with many of the saints remaining faithful, and the recovery of the original strength after re-establishment.

    The recent years of accelerated growth are very encouraging. In just the last 2 years there are 17 new stakes in the Pacific Area.

    It was very interesting to read about the Community of Christ's missionary success and number of members and congregations.

    I also was glad to learn of the various languages spoken by Church members and how many members are Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking.

  2. January congregational growth:

    JANUARY + 16 W&B; + 15 W, + 1 Br + 4 Stakes, + 3 Districts (including 1 st created late 2013, reported 2014, and 1 st not yet reported on CDOL; also includes 2 districts created late 2013 reported 2014)

    US: + 14 W&B; + 14 W + 0 Br; + 2 Stakes (including one not yet reported to CDOL)

    Outside US: + 2 W&B; + 1 W + 1 Br + 2 stakes (including one from 2013 and one not yet reported to CDOL) + 3 districts (including 2 from 2013)

    Outside US as follows: + 7 W&B Africa, + 4 Brazil, + 1 Malaysia, + 1 Philippines, - 12 from these So. American countries: Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Peru)
