Wednesday, August 15, 2012

New Stake in Mexico

A new stake was created in Mexico last Sunday.  The Church created the Puebla México Nealticán North Stake from five wards in the Puebla México Nealticán Stake (Atexcac, Citlalli, Citlaltépetl, Ixtazihuatl, and Yetlaneci) and one ward in the Puebla México Cholula Stake (Huejotzingo Ward).  Half of the wards in the new stake are located in Nealticán whereas the other half operate in nearby small cities and towns.  Nealticán is a small town west of the city of Puebla that has one of the highest percentage of Latter-day Saints in Mexico.  With only 11,500 inhabitants, Nealticán has nine wards or one ward per approximately 1,300 people.

There are now 225 stakes and 36 districts in Mexico. 


  1. There will be another stake created soon in the Puebla area. All that I know is that the Almecatla wards will branch off from the Tlaxcala Mexico Stake and I would imagine some northern Puebla wards will be taken from the La Libertad Stake. I am not aware what the new stake will be called, but the stake will be centered in northwestern Puebla city.

  2. Thanks Bryan for the information. I'll keep a look out for information on a new stake in the Puebla area.
