Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New District in Mexico

A new district was recently created in southern Mexico.  The Chojolhó México District was organized from the San Cristóbal México Stake (organized in 2007) and includes several branches in rural communities north of the city of San Cristóbal.  Branches included in the new district were organized within the past few years and are located in areas populated primary by Tzotzil Amerindians who speak dialects of the Tzotzil and Tzeltal languages.  Full-time missionaries reported a couple years ago that they began learning Tzotzil to teach locals about the Church.  The organization of the district appears to signify that local leadership has been developed to meet the demands of both branch and district responsibilities.  According to, there are three LDS materials available in Tzotzil: the Book of Mormon, Gospel Principles, and a family guidebook.

There are now 222 stakes and 36 districts in the LDS Church in Mexico.


  1. Hey, you know there's an anti- ad on top?

  2. Thanks for the info...Ads are generated based on user content. What organization is the ad from?

  3. I see one from telestialkingdom dot com

  4. Matt, Sorry this is off the subject, but, I just read and enjoyed your article "Mormon Missions: did you know...?" in the Salt Lake Tribune.

    And I thought you'd be a Deseret News kind of person.

  5. My mother who is American is down there near the church and she needs help to get out of the country. She has been a member of the church for 20+ years, she has cancer and a very short time to live. Can anyone help me to get her to the church in San Cristobal San Ramon District.
