Wednesday, September 21, 2011

LDS International Atlas Completed

In coordinating with David Stewart from, we have completed an up-to-date LDS International atlas that features the locations of congregations, stakes, districts, and missions worldwide using Google Maps.  The atlas was in development for a period of 18 months can be access at the website at the bottom of the left-hand column under "LDS International Atlas - Google Maps."  Use of the atlas is intended for educational purposes.  For information regarding meeting locations and times, visit the Church's official website at


  1. Question. What did you use to get all the information? Just looking at my mission there are a couple groups that are listed as branches, and then adjacent groups that aren't listed at all.

  2. Most of the information comes from the website. Locations for groups are provided by missionaries.

    What mission did you serve in? Which groups are missing from the map?

  3. The Sumare Brazil stake, created from the Hortolandia stake near Campinas Brazil is missing

  4. Matt, I am so impressed with what you have created. It has been a dream of mine (and many others) to have an update to the work that Marc Schindler did a decade ago, before he sadly passed away. Thank you for showing the patience and dedication in meticulously and painstakingly compiling all this data for us to access and enjoy.

  5. What are the points on the map supposed to refer to? Chapels? I checked with the information on for my stake and the points don't align with the chapel locations on that map.

    How did you ascertain the stake boundaries? They don't match with the information in CDOL.

    The CDOL has KML files for worldwide ward/stake boundaries.

  6. Christian-

    One of the challenges with the atlas is updating maps when changes occur in units. We'll make the needed changes to add the Sumare Brazil Stake


    Points on the map indicate the general location of where the unit is located or where most members in a particular unit appear to reside. Boundaries are approximations deduced from No information from CDOL was utilized to create boundaries.

  7. Not too much. I was in Philippines Iloilo Mission, and on the whole it is way up to date. Only changes, there is a branch in Ajuy, IloIlo province, and on guimaras Island Jordan is the only branch. There are 4 other groups, but nueva valencia and Buenavista are still groups unless things have changed in the past few months.

  8. Thank you for your time and dedication in putting together this atlas.

  9. I have a correction for the San Juan Argentina Nuevo Cuyo Stake. I believe there are actually 5 wards and 4 branches. The Santa Lucia Ward is not listed on the atlas and should pertain to that stake. I assume that it has not been discontinued since it is still registered on maps.

  10. Adam-

    Yes, those two groups on Guimaras Island just became branches. I am not finding any branch in Ajuy; are you sure it is not a group or dependent branch? Do you know what the locations are for the other groups on Guimaras Island?


    Thanks for the correction; I have added the Santa Lucia Ward.

  11. I've been waiting for this for a long time! thank you so much!

    Also on Spain page, the link to Southern Spain Wards and Branches leads to Northern Spain page?? Also the link to The Philippines Olongapo Mission page leads to Baguio Mission page.

    I'm just browsing through Asia's and Europe's pages so far. If I found more of the wrong links, I'll let you know.

    Thank you again for this awesome tool!

  12. Thanks for the corrections; I appreciate the feedback everyone as this has been a massive project.

  13. Wow, I knew Buenavista was close but I had no clue Nueva Valencia would be getting the nod so soon. I think Ajuy is a branch but I could be wrong, they normally have 60+ attendance but was opened just a few years ago. The other two groups on the island of Guimaras are Sibunag and Comian. Just curious, where did you get the information on Buenavista and Nueva Valencia?

  14. The link to Northern Buenos Aires ward and branches is actually led to Central Buenos Aires instead.

    Also I wonder where can I get to Hong Kong/Macau and Taiwan's pages?

    Baleares Spain District and
    Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain District were also missing from Spain's pages.

    Vaiparaso area of Chile is also missing.

  15. Another update: LDS Maps Shows a ward called "Jardim das Bandeiras Ward" that meets in the same building as Vila Uniao and Jardim do Lago Wards in the Campinas Brazil Stake. I've been home from my mission for two years and am not familiar with this ward, but perhaps its been created since I've returned. LDS Maps is probably more up-to-date than my memory. This would give the Campinas Brazil Stake 7 wards.

    Let me also say this is an amazing resource! I love it and think I may become addicted to it! Thanks so much! Thank you also for keeping it updated.

  16. You might also want to move the boundary of the American stake to encompass the city of Santa Barbara D'Oeste. Again thanks for all your hard work!

  17. Great resource!

    There is one missing ward from the Declo Idaho Stake, the Declo 3rd Ward which was created a month or two ago. Declo 3rd is east side of the town and rural area while Declo 2nd is the area north of town if you would like to place the markers generally where the ward members live.

    Thanks again!

  18. Thank you everyone for your corrections and feedback; I will make the updates.

  19. Would it be preferable to post comments regarding updates on the google map pages?

  20. Updates for the LDS Atlas would be appreciated as comments on this blog as it is easier for me to keep track of them here. Thanks!

  21. The only things I see missing are the Buin Chile District, SOme branches in Northern Canada (Yukon, NWT); Some branches(I think) in St Helena; and a branch in the Falklands

  22. Thanks, Matt and David, for this incredible resource for all of us who follow Church growth! It was a huge job and we all appreciate your dedication and hard work.
