Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Mission in Zambia in 2011

Missionaries serving in the Zimbabwe Harare Mission report that LDS apostle Elder Christofferson announced that next summer the mission will divide to create the Zambia Lusaka Mission. The new mission will likely be organized on July 1st and will include Zambia and Malawi. Zimbabwe is the least populated of the three countries current part of the Zimbabwe Harare Mission and has one of the highest percentages of Latter-day Saints in the population among continental African nations at around 0.15%, or one member per 661, whereas Zambia and Malawi have some of the lower percentages of Latter-day Saints in continental Africa (one member per 5,620 in Zambia and one member per 19,358 in Malawi). Zimbabwe currently experiences some of the most penetrating outreach by Latter-day Saints in Africa as most large cities have a church presence. There are 11.7 million people and 17,632 Latter-day Saints in Zimbabwe.

The Church in Zambia experienced rapid growth during the first half of the 2000s as membership grew from 725 in 2000 to 1,648 in 2005 and the number of congregations increased from four to 10. Missionary work began outside Lusaka for the first time in decades in the Copperbelt region along the DR Congo border. Branches were established in three cities (Kitwe, Luanshya, and Ndola). During the latter-half of the 2000s, membership grew to 2,395 in 2009 but there was no increase in the number of congregations during this period likely due to poor convert retention and a lack of trained leadership. The creation of the new mission will allow for greater mentoring from the mission president for local Priesthood leadership and increase the likelihood of additional areas opening for missionary work. The Lusaka Zambia District has been preparing to become a stake for several years now. At present the Church is only established in Lusaka and three cities of the Copperbelt region. Zambia has 13.5 million people.

The Church has experienced some of the poorest convert retention and member activity rates in Africa in Malawi, which has 15.5 million people. Missionaries report little progress over the past few years despite missionaries recently opening Lilongwe to missionary work and consistently working in Blantyre for several years. In 2009, there were almost 800 members in Malawi organized in three branches.


  1. My former Sunday School teacher and home teaching companion served in Zimbabwe.

  2. the Porto Seguro District, in Porto Seguro, Bahia, Brazil, was created two weeks ago.

  3. That's wonderful news! Thank you for the information.

  4. I just got my mission call to Zambia Lusaka mission!

  5. That Mission will get one great missionary that isn't afraid to work.

  6. My son just got his call the same day as you, Josh! We live in Orem, UT. Where are you from?

  7. Hey I just got my mission call on june 7th to Zambia, Lusaka and report October 13th to the South Africa MTC.

  8. my brother was called to the zimbabwe, harare mission last march and when the mission split he was sent to the new mission in zambia! look for him, elder murdoch =] he comes home march 2012!! =]

  9. My Brother in law and my Sister are leaving Tuesday the 28th of June to Serve as the new Mission President in Zambia, they are from California. Mike and Arlene Padovich. You are in good hands.

  10. My son left for the Zimbabwe, Harare Mission in November of 2010. He is now in the Zambia, Lusaka Mission. He LOVES his mission and the people!

  11. I leave for Zambia Lusaka Mission on August 30!

  12. My son is serving in Zambia, and has been there for 6 months! He says that the work is extremely hard (much harder than Malawi & Zimbabwe, his other 2 areas) He was originally called to the Zim. Harare mission, but will be released from the Zambia Lusaka mission :) I think to be a missionary there, you need to have a strong testimony, an extremely loving heart and thick skin! The best to all you Zambia missionaries!! You truly are the chosen :) Thank you for choosing to serve!
    My husband and I are missionary converts from 14 years ago!

  13. Make room in Zambia Lusaka. A senior couple are coming from Boise, Idaho. We are so excited. Report date to the MTC is late Oct. Sounds like incredible young elders to serve with.

  14. I am Zambian, living in WA and i am so excited about the growth of the church at home. Fron two branches when i joined the church to a mission almost 15years later, that is alot of growth.

  15. We are currently serving in Malawi and yes, it is challenging at times. We are the only couple here and desperately need another senior couple to help. It is great to be here as the Church begins to grow. Elder & Sister Bullock (Calgary, Alberta)

  16. I'm Zambian living in Cape Town. I am astonished at the growth of the church and the blessing of a new mission now. Who would've thought that it would come so soon.

    By small and simple things.
