Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Stake in Brazil

The Church created the 232nd stake in Brazil in the Sao Paulo area two Sundays ago. The Alphaville Brazil Stake was organized from the Barueri Brazil Stake and consists the following five wards: Alphaville, Ariston, Carapicuiba, Engenho Novo, and Santana do ParnaĆ­ba. The Barueri Brazil Stake had eight wards and one branch until recently when the Rosemary Ward was created and the Jandira Branch became a ward. The Barueri Brazil Stake also has five wards.


  1. So far in just the last 3 months there are 10 new stakes--6 in Utah, 1 each in Washington and Texas, and 2 in Brazil. District growth is taking place as well.

  2. Also in the last 3 months wards are up by 90 (+ 40 wards in the US and + 50 wards outside the US).

    At the same time branches are down by 6--down 1 in the US and down 5 outside the US.

  3. Very nice analysis, Ray. Thank you for your thoughtful contributions to this blog.
