Friday, September 24, 2010

New Stake in Utah

Another new stake was created in Utah earlier this month. The Springville Utah Dry Creek Stake was created from the Springville Utah West Stake, which had 13 wards and one branch. The new stake has six wards and one branch. There are now 77 stakes in the Provo Utah Temple district and 545 stakes in Utah.

In 2010, there have been 17 new stakes organized thus far, nine of which have been in Utah. Only one stake has been created in the United States outside of Utah this year, which was in Kentucky last March.


  1. Stake growth and congregational growth have seemed to have took massive dips to what they were in comparison to 2009.

    compare 180 new congregations this year to 315 last year. 19 new stakes this year, to 47 this year.

    Only explanation is that the expansion of infastructure comes in phases in accordance to demand. Meaning next year, we'll possibly see an increase again. More than likely as new missions consolidate as well.

  2. The pace of congregational growth may be on the upswing. Two weeks ago there were ten new wards and branches (net), last week nine, and already 2 this week (on today's CDOL report--no reports on Mondays).

    This is close to a 500 new wards and branches on a yearly basis, and I remember things picked up like this last year. Time will tell.

    Stake growth was higher last year because there were nearly 20 or so in just June alone, many of them in Mexico, as a number of districts were made stakes (to coincide with some mission presidents completing their service).
