Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Stake In Mexico

I previously mentioned that a new stake would be created on June 21st from the Costa Grande México District. The stake was created that day, named the Guacamayas México Stake, and consists of seven wards and one branch. The seven wards are the Guacamayas, La Mira, Lázaro Cárdenas, Palmas, Pantla, Zihuatanejo 1st, and Zihuatanejo 2nd wards and the branch is the San Jeronimito Branch. The Costa Grande México District was originally organized in 1990 and had five branches in 2002. There are now 217 stakes and 36 districts in México.

I have provided below the names of the five new stakes created from districts in the past month in México.

Cabo San Lucas México Stake
Colima México Stake
Galeana México Stake
Guacamayas México Stake
Uruapan México Stake


  1. Thanks for the detailed info Matt. This blog is awesome.

  2. I read on the site about the Paraíso El Salvador Stake. It was created on 6/14/2009

  3. Sorry to add news again on another post. You can delete it later if you want:

    In the Tampico Mexico temple district, the Poza Rica stake was divided into 2 stakes, Poza Rica and Tuxpan. Tuxpan is located about an hour away from Poza Rica, and Elder Grow of the seventy was presiding on Sunday. Tithing was the main point of his discourse.

  4. That's great news Spencer! The stakes in Poza Rica have had enough wards to split for six or seven years.
