Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Group in Suriname

A group was recently created in Suriname in Kwarasan. It is still too small to be a branch, but has a space rented out to meet in. I am not sure where Kwarasan, but figure it is in the outlying area around the capital.


  1. hello matt,

    any more news from suriname? i would like to speak to someone who is in suriname currently.

  2. I do not have anyone you could speak to in Suriname about the Church. Towards the end of last year the seventh branch in the country was organized from the group mentioned in this post. Baptisms are still occurring regularly in the country, but some missionaries are more focused on retention and re-activation in some of the branches.

    We hope to see a stake in Guyana in the Fall and maybe in Suriname in a few years. If I find anything about Suriname I will add another comment to this post.

  3. The new group created in Koewarasan
    is now a branch and the current branch president is Steve Rudge and for now, church meetings are held in a rental building. Yes, Koewarasan is about 10 miles from the only church-owned building located at Tammenga.

