Friday, July 11, 2008

Countries With High Inactivity

A good indicator for how many members of the Church participate in worship services in a particular country is by taking the ratio of members to congregations. Wards and branches need to have leadership in order to function and if that leadership is absent or small, new congregations do not get formed as often or congregations combine. This indicator works well for countries that have more stakes and districts. In places like Russia or Thailand, it does not provide as accurate of a picture because of the large number of branches in those countries.

Here is a list of the 15 countries with the highest members to congregation ratio. Countries with less than 1,000 have been omitted from the list.
  1. Chile - 888
  2. Hong Kong - 684
  3. Bolivia - 632
  4. El Salvador - 619
  5. Nicaragua - 615
  6. Ecuador - 598
  7. Peru - 588
  8. Colombia - 560
  9. Mexico - 559
  10. Brazil - 553
  11. Honduras - 552
  12. Uruguay - 551
  13. South Korea - 546
  14. Dominican Republic - 543
  15. Philippines - 533

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