Saturday, April 15, 2023

March 2023 Monthly Newsletter

 Click here to access the March 2023 monthly newsletter for


  1. There are two developments I would like to add that I have randomly caught on social media:

    1) significant growth on Ulawa, Solomon Islands, and the imminent establishment of the Church there. Based on the detailed information from a senior missionary serving on the a more centrally located island, around 120 of Ulawa's 3000 inhabitants have either been baptized or are awaiting baptism in at least two unofficial member groups. Generally even in other parts of the Solomon Islands, growth appears to have significantly accelerated.

    2) A significant number of converts, at least 70, has joined the Church in the Jos Nigeria District in the last couple of weeks.

  2. In the section of the newsletter discussing Nairobi, you wrote that the 2020 creation of the Africa Central Area was "a catalyst in challenging more resources."

    Did you perhaps mean to say "channeling more resources"? "Challenging more resources" doesn't seem to make contextual sense there.

  3. The Sandy Utah Crescent Park and Sandy Utah Crescent North Stakes were combined today.

  4. Combined stake in preceding post named the Sandy Utah Dimple Dell Stake.

  5. Ohhappydane, Do you know if the combined new Stake "Sandy Utah Dimple Dell" retained the unit number of Sandy Utah Crescent North (512834), or of Sandy Utah Crescent Park (518689), or was assigned a completely new Unit number in the CDOL?

    It will appear on the new map in a few days if you don't have that number.

    Also, speculating from the new name, did it also incorporate the "Dimple Dell Ward (190721), from the Sandy Utah Crescent Stake (506907) ?

  6. I think that for the church to continue growing in distant places, and with few baptized and active, the church should invest with the money it has, in older couples or young married or single people, who provide service, it would be of great help.

    The church grows little or not at all because there are very few missionaries, and with the free volunteers there are not enough, the church is required to spend money, since it is possible and necessary

  7. One of my mission companions was from Milwaukie, Oregon (which is very close to the Portland Temple). Don't know how long its been since he actually lived there, though.

  8. I am very excited about the growth occurring in Kenya. I am hoping we see a stake organized outside Nairobi this year. I am also hoping there is a temple announced for Kampaka, Uganda this year.

    The growth in Angola is also exciting. I hope The Church of Jesus Christ of Katter-day Saints translates the Book of Mormon into some of the main languages of Angola soon. Obe language that I do not think the Book of Mormon has been translated to which I think would help would be kiKongo, which is spoken in Angola, DR Congo,Republic of Congo snd Gabon, although only small parts of each country.
