Saturday, February 29, 2020

Updated Country Profile - South Sudan

Click here to access the updated Reaching the Nations country profile for South Sudan. South Sudan is one of only a few African nations where the Church no longer has an official Church presence. Although there were thousands of prospective members who requested baptism in the late 2000s, very few of these individuals have since joined the Church. The Church closed the Juba Branch in the mid-2010s due to the civil war. A peace deal was recently reached between the government and rebel forces, although it is unclear whether this agreement will result in long-term stability and peace. South Sudanese-specific outreach occurs in Salt Lake City, Utah at present and there is at least one ward in Kampala, Uganda that is predominantly South Sudanese. See below for the Future Prospects section of this article:

South Sudan presents valuable opportunities for future growth in the Church given a highly receptive population with several groups of prospective Latter-day Saints who appear to continue to await baptism. However, civil war, low living standards, and political instability all pose nearly insurmountable barriers to the Church’s use of foreign full-time missionaries unless conditions markedly improve. The lack of a Church presence in South Sudan today despite the operation of a branch between late 2009 and the mid-2010s underscores the Church’s struggles to develop greater self-sufficiency in local leadership that is capable to maintain the operation of basic congregations without the close support of foreign missionary manpower and leadership oversight. During the 2010s, other Christian denominations have achieved significant headway and growth through the use of local manpower and resources, whereas The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ceased its official operations. The lesson learned from the Church’s brief operation in South Sudan is the need to find creative and effective methods to support local leaders who have minimal leadership experience in the Church and who may not be able to be met in person by mission or area leaders for considerable time due to safety concerns for foreigners. Use of technologies such as videoconferencing may be helpful to overcome these challenges in the largest cities such as Juba. Flexible strategies that foster organic growth and self-sufficiency in the Church are greatly needed in countries such as South Sudan which may remain unreached by traditional Latter-day Saint missionary paradigms for years or decades.


  1. I knew several men who emigrated from South Sudan when I lived in Vernal, Utah. Some of them had families living in Nebraska also. One of them I believe had actually had multiple wives but was separated from most of them by the civil war, I believe only one came to the US with him.

    From them I learned that South Sudan differs greatly from Sudan by having few Muslims. The religions there are a mixture of Christianity and traditional religions. After the secession of South Sudan in 2011, the official language of the schools was changed from Arabic to English.

    I am looking forward to when the Church can re-established in South Sudan, I'm sure there are a lot of people there who will be receptive to the message.

    There should be plenty of African missionaries from other countries, I am hoping they can return there soon.

  2. If polygamy is widely socially accepted this may pose a stumbling block to establishing the Church. This was an issue of concern in South Africa.

  3. I hope the new peace deal in South Sudan holds. This war has claimed 400,000 lives in a country of only 11 million. My heart goes out to those affected and who have lost loved ones. It is time to rebuild and stabilize and bring "justice, liberty, and prosperity", which is the country's motto, to their land.

    For April Fool's Day 2016, Matt and Rick collaborated on a prank about sudden prolific growth in South Sudan, which was then a sensitive country for Church reporting purposes. They wrote that 7 new districts had recently been organized with 37 branches. It had me going right up to the last sentence, "In addition to rapid membership and congregational growth, the Church is also currently translating the Book of Mormon into several South Sudanese languages include Nuer, Dinka, and Thisisanaprilfoolsdayjoke."

    I look forward to the day when there will actually be 37 branches and 7 districts in South Sudan, then stakes, and a temple.

    1. I knew a few Sudanese refugees on my mission, several of which spoke Dinka.

  4. Troubled country. They need the restored gospel very much, we need more missionaries.

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  7. my name is laat marial wuol kachuol from south Sudan and i got High priest, Melchizedek" (Latter Day Saints)
    in Michigan in 2013
    now iam in Juba south sudan church is not open but we do prayers every sunday,
    Government of south Sudan have no problem with church,we need our church to be reopen,
    my email is
