Monday, March 11, 2019

Updated Country Profile - Dominica

Click here to access the updated Reaching the Nations country profile for Dominica. Dominica is one of the most recently reached nations in the Caribbean as the first branch was organized in 2007. Approximately one hundred converts joined the Church during the first few years that full-time missionaries were assigned to the island. There were three branches in the late 2000s, but two of the three branches closed in 2010. Stagnant growth has occurred in Dominica in the 2010s. Only 74,000 people live in the country. See below for the Future Prospects section of this article:

The outlook for Church growth appears mixed in the coming years as the Church has experienced stagnant membership growth for several consecutive years and no progress has occurred with the opening of additional branches outside of Portsmouth. With a small population that is distant from mission headquarters in Puerto Rico, there appears to be little indication of any noticeable increase in mission resources that may be allocated to Dominica to fuel growth. A member-missionary and church planting approach to proselytism will be required for additional advances in national outreach due to the island’s tiny population and limited missionary resources in the region. Leadership development and increases in active membership may result in the reorganization of the Roseau Branch in the years to come.

1 comment:

  1. I suppose the 3 biggest growth areas of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Caribbean are:
    1. Dominican Republic
    2. Puerto Rico, or
    3. Haiti

    Cuba and many other islands need to improve their growth.
