Saturday, March 16, 2019

Updated Country Profile - Antigua and Barbuda

Click here to access the updated Reaching the Nations country profile for Antigua and Barbuda. Little has appeared to change for the Church in Antigua and Barbuda since we first published the almanac in 2013. The Church organized its first and only branch in the country in 1985. There were 237 members in the country as of year-end 2017. See below for the future prospects section of the article:

With a small population and few mission outreach resources dedicated, Antigua and Barbuda has demonstrated consistent but slow membership growth in recent years. Infrequent interaction with international Church leaders and reliance on local members to operate the Church have facilitated moderate member activity rates and self-reliance. Growth in the number of active members and local leadership development may lead to the organization of a second congregation on Antigua over the medium term.


  1. I haven't been on LDS Maps for several months, but I was just trying to look up the wards near a location that I am thinking of moving to and I am having a really difficult time. Has anyone else noticed that the features in classic lds maps no longer work for them?

  2. They work for me. Remember the UI is pretty unintuitive. Check the map layers tab.

  3. Nevermind what I said before. Everything was fine a few hours ago but not anymore...

  4. An island community like Antigua would benefit from some senior couple missionaries or young transplant families.
    I wonder with Church resources and funds if we would ever sustain couples and families in a place like this.
    Money is put towards so many things: facility upkeep, ward budgets, buildings, missionary service, materials, family history, advertising.
    Apart from sacrifice, service, and charity from individuals in the Church of Jesus Christ, funding for missionary efforts for those types of personnel night prove effective.
    A thought about the prosecutory efforts to remove missionaries in Russia. If they are spending time and resources to contain our volunteers in their own country, they are certainly misallocating their resources on things that they should really worry about. Alcoholism, heroin abuse, education...
    Russia will continue to descend negatively as they fight the wrong battles continually. As they have done for centuries.
    Tolstoy wondered about this faith back in his time. Too bad not enough modern Russians embrace the Restoration. Blessed are those that do.
