Friday, March 1, 2019

February 2019 Monthly Newsletter

Click here to access our February 2019 newsletter for


  1. Another great newsletter, Matt! Thank you for all you and David Stewart continue to do to promote and encourage discussion on Church growth matters. It appears that Africa continues to be a fruitful field of expansion for the Church, and hopefully doors are or will continue to be opened there. Thank you for a wonderful summary of the outstanding developments in Church growth for February. Please keep up the great work.

  2. Southeast Africa shows promise, after West and Central Africa. Tanzania and Mozambique are huge populations to approach. I wish Angola would grow more.

  3. Angola just got a stake. Basically they have been focusing on building up to that point in the capitol. Hopefully with a stake in place the mission president is now moving forward on organizing members in other parts of the country and expanding mission outreach. This could probably move forward faster if there were more Portuguese speaking senior couples.

  4. I am glad to hear measured preparation and growth is happening in Mozambique. I often wish it was done more in the US.
