Friday, November 30, 2018

November 2018 Monthly Newsletter

Click here to access our November 2018 monthly newsletter for


  1. Seattle Times article referencing a Temple Marriage that was delayed because of Friday's earthquake in Alaska.

  2. Thank you, Matt, for that excellent summary of major Church growth developments during November. It is awesome to see the hand of the Lord directly impacting the way in which such developments occur. We are truly seeing a fulfillment of the promise that the Lord will "hasten [His] work in its' time." I am especially intrigued by the ongoing growth which has been occurring in the Philippines. A couple who were dear friends of my family (and filled the role of surrogate grandparents to my siblings and me) were assigned to serve in the Philippines Area office during the same time then-Elder Oaks had supervision for that area as its' president. And that growth has been especially proven to be significant since there has been one new temple announced for the Philippines during each of the 3 most recent sets of temple announcements. The Filipino Saints were faithful and willing to sacrifice everything to get to the temple during the time that couple served in the area, and it is good to see that the groundbreaking has been set for the Urdaneta Philippines Temple and that major progress is being made with the other three temples announced for that area. Thanks again, Matt, for that report.

  3. I noticed no one has been posting new unit updates. I miss those. I am quite excited by the new languages getting their first church units.

  4. Idoma, one of the languages that recently got a branch, had 600,000 native speakers in 1991. I suspect the number is more now.
