Saturday, April 2, 2016

2015 Statistical Report - Predictions

Based upon recent LDS growth trends and information gathered over the past year, the following are my predictions for various statistics to be reported in the annual 2015 statistical report this afternoon:
  • Membership: 15.6-15.7 million
  • Wards and Branches: 30,005
  • Stakes: 3,174
  • Districts: 558
  • Missions: 418
  • Temples: 149
  • Convert Baptisms: 280,000-300,000
  • Full-time Missionaries Serving: 74,079
  • Church-service Missionaries: 25,000-35,000
  • Increase in Children of Record (ICR): 110,000-130,000
  • Membership and Convert Baptisms/ICR discrepancy*: 100,000-135,000
*This statistic is the difference between the summation of convert baptisms and increase of children of record, and the annual numerical increase for total church membership. This discrepancy in numbers constitutes members removed from church records due to death, excommunication, unbaptized children of record who reach age 18, and resignations.


  1. Final predictions for temple announcements- Lehi, Managua, NW Arkansas. It is possible we may see a Temple in Benin City or somewhere in Nigeria announced. My dark horse pick is Kiribati.

  2. Do the temples usually get announced in the first Saturday session?
    Hmmm.. No temples for Kenya so far.
    Or is it the later session?

  3. New temples usually get announced in the first general session of conference where President Monson speaks. He used to open the Saturday morning session with a short "state of the Church" address, and would commonly announce temples then. However, he has needed to slow down recently, and I suspect that he will follow the pattern of last October's conference and only speak in the Priesthood and Sunday morning sessions. If that is the case, I anticipate him announcing any temples tomorrow at the start of his talk concluding the Sunday morning session.

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  5. Thanks. I need to go to the temple more this month and do more family history.
    Nicaragua needs a temple.
    My Concepcion Temple is getting closer to finishing...

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