Monday, November 24, 2014

Case Studies on LDS Growth in Indonesia

As part of work I provide for The Cumorah Foundation (, I have recently completed a series of case study articles that examine LDS growth in Indonesia. Indonesia has over a quarter of a billion people and has had an LDS missionary presence for over four decades. However, the Church has experienced slow growth within the past three decades and maintains a minimal presence in the country. These case study articles analyze past LDS growth trends in the country and explore opportunities for outreach expansion.

I particularly enjoyed working on this set of case studies. I hope that these case studies will educate interested readers and motivate members to do what they can to help expand the Church's presence in Indonesia.

1 comment:

  1. I read parts of two of the reports; about Java, where my mom and step-dad served a two year mission in Surabaya back in 2005, and the Sulawesi and Maluku (Malucca?)archipelagos. Great work. Fascinating to see and hear about these forgotten or ignored places.

    Keep it up. We definitely could use more missionaries. Like 1,000,000 more.
