Wednesday, December 4, 2013

First Stake to be Created in Togo This Sunday

Missionaries serving in the Benin Cotonou Mission report that the Church will organize its first stake in Togo this Sunday.  The Church in Togo organized its first and only district in Lome in December 2009 making just four years for the district to become a stake - perhaps the shortest period of time in the history of the Church in modern times for a district to become a stake in a country that has previously never had a stake organized before.  The Church has also experienced rapid congregational growth as the number of branches has increased from one in 2005 to five in 2012 and 11 early 2013.  Missionaries also report that a twelfth branch will be organized shortly (Kodjoviakope) and that a new member group or branch will also be created soon in the Baguida area.  The advancement of many of the branches into wards is a testament to good member activity and convert retention rates as recently organized branches have quickly reached the minimum standards to function as wards.

For more information on the Church in Lome please refer to a recently completed case study here.


  1. I was just speculating about this on the "District Discontinued in Argentina" page.

    12 branches in about a 10 km by 10 km area strikes me as probably getting close to becoming a stake.

    CDOL has a branch created on 1 December in the Baguida area

  2. The Brisa del Este and La Llave wards, Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Las Americas Stake, were created on 24 November. There are 7 wards and 2 branches in the stake:

    Andres Boca Chica Ward
    Brisa del Este Ward
    La Caleta Ward
    La Llave Ward
    Los Frailes 1st Ward
    Los Frailes 2nd Ward
    Los Molinos Ward
    Nuevo Amanecer Branch
    Valiente Branch

    The Obuasi 3rd Branch, Ghana Kumasi Mission, was created on 24 November. There are now 7 independent branches in the mission:

    Konongo Ghana District
    Sunyani Ghana District
    Agona-Asamang Branch
    Bibiani Branch
    Ghana Kumasi Mission Branch
    Mampong Branch
    Obuasi 1st Branch
    Obuasi 2nd Branch
    Obuasi 3rd Branch

  3. My mom served as a Peace Corps nurse in Togo before joining the church, and I have always wanted to see LDS grow there. It is encouraging to see.

    I think most of the non-Muslim nations now have our missionaries, n'est pas?

  4. The new Lome Togo Stake includes 8 wards and 4 branches:

    Ablogame Ward
    Anfame Ward
    Attiegou Ward
    Be-Kpota Ward
    Doumassesse Ward
    Hedzranawoe Ward
    Souzanetime Ward
    Tokoin Ward
    Adidogome Branch
    Akodessewa Branch
    Baguida Branch
    Wuiti Branch

  5. It is very encouraging to see a stake in Togo. This is still only 5 countries in the Africa West Area with stakes. Although I can remember when it was only 3 countries in Africa with stakes, and it is now 12.

    Hopefully Benin and Mozambique will also get stakes very soon.
