Saturday, September 28, 2013

September 2013 Newsletter

We have posted the September issue of our newsletter for  Click here to access the newsletter.  To view previous editions of our newsletter, click here.


  1. Regarding the article on stake presidencies, I have always been amazed when it comes to calling stake presidencies. The process takes only a few hours for a general authority or area seventy to select a president, who then has very little time to select counselors. This happens more than 400 times per year, but the result is almost always a leadership team over an organization 2000 to 6000 people that serves humbly, yet in an impressive manner. And most stake presidents last the full 9-year term providing significant leadership.

  2. I forgot to mention that most of the time, the general authority or area seventy does not know any of the men before they arrive.

    While mistakes have been made, they have been very rare.

    The Lord points out who he wants.
