Saturday, December 1, 2012

Two New Stakes in Australia

Two Sundays ago, the Church created two new stakes in Queensland, Australia. 

The Brisbane Australia Cleveland Stake was organized from the Brisbane Australia Stake and includes the following five wards: The Camp Hill, Capalaba, Cleveland, Holland Park, and Manly Wards.  The Brisbane Australia Stake was realigned with the Brisbane Australia North and Brisbane Australia Centenary Stakes and now includes six wards. 

The Coomera Australia Stake was organized from the Eight Mile Plains Australia and the Gold Coast Australia Stakes and includes the following six wards: The Beenleigh, Coomera, Helensvale, Nerang, Pacific Pines, and Windaroo Wards.  Both the Eight Mile Plains Australia and the Gold Coast Australia Stakes now have six wards each.

Since 2000, the Church has created four new stakes in Australia - all of which were in the Brisbane area.  Local members report that new move-ins from New Zealand and growth among Polynesians has driven growth in the area.  There are now 34 stakes and nine districts in Australia.


  1. The Deseret News is reporting that the 3000th stake has been created in Sierra Leone.

  2. The new stake, which has a membership of about 2,250, is made up of eight wards: Belliar Park, Congo Cross, Dwarzak, Freetown, Goderich, Hill Station, Lumley and Mount Aureol.

  3. November Church growth from Church Directory of Leaders and Organizations:

    Total Wards and Branches + 30 ( + 37 W - 7 br)
    Total new stakes + 12 (+ 2 US + 10 outside US)
    Total new W & Br. US: +15 ( + 19 W - 4 Br)
    Total outside US W&Br: + 15 ( + 18 W - 3 Br)
    Yr. to date W&B: + 203 (+ 316 W -113 Br), + 51
    stakes, - 15 districts, + 4 temples
    Yr. to date US W&Br: + 107 (+ 147 W - 40 Br),
    + 13 stakes, - 1 district + 2 temples
    Yr to date outside US W&Br: + 96 (+ 169 W - 73 Br
    + 38 stakes, - 14 districts, + 2 temples
    Note: There were 2997 stakes at the end of Nov.;
    the 3000th stake was created on Dec. 2, '12

  4. If you are still looking for ideas for case studies, I'd like to see one about growth trends and activity rates after transition from mission leadership (missions and districts) to local leadership (stakes).
