Tuesday, December 18, 2012

First LDS Branch Created in Gabon

Two Sundays ago, the Church created its first branch in the African country of Gabon.  The Libreville Branch was organized from the Libreville Group and had 15 local members in attendance.  The Church obtained government registration within the past couple months, paving the way for the organization of an official church congregation in the country.  Missionaries serving in the DR Congo Kinshasa Mission report plans are underway to assign a senior missionary couple and young proselytizing missionaries to Gabon as soon as possible.  Prior to assignment to the DR Congo Kinshasa Mission earlier this year, an administrative branch operated by the Africa Southeast Area serviced Gabon as a means of tracking any members residing in the country.


  1. The Continent of Africa is growing churchwise, and the LDS Church is not the only one. But the way the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ affects people and their lives so much, especially self-sustainment and auto-sufficiency, and the African (hopefully Gabonese, or Gabonian/Gaboni?) culture helps foster this.
    Ironic that the area and the peoples of the world mocked by Tre Parker and Matt Stone is really coming together for the LDS in the last few decades.
    I hope a lot of that Broadway money and attention goes to helping the truly needy both spiritually and temporally.
    Peace on earth, especially in Gabon and other places that need it. God bless the Lord's work there.
    Ironic with the

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Matt,

    I have someone who is interested in attending the branch.


    Do you have any details on location and meeting time? Nothing on maps.lds.org

  4. I do not know the location or time for church services in Libreville. I could provide you with contact info for the DR Congo Kinshasa Mission or for a senior couple on Cameroon.

  5. Here is the blog for the DR Congo Kinshasa Mission President:


    Here is a phone contact number for the mission.

    +243 815-016-769

  6. Matt,
    Here's an update on when missionaries will be sent to Gabon. It's an inspiring story.


  7. thanks for the update, we were thrilled to read this story with my husband (who is grom Gabon); please tell us whenever you have more details about the location of this branch. thanks

  8. I received this report today (10/14/2013) from a missionary serving in the area: "Elder Bednar will be coming to my mission in about 3 weeks and all the missionaries will meet him except us on the american side of the mission. He will be going to Gabon to dedicate the country and hopefully get that long-awaited signature giving the church permanent residency so we can send missionaries in. Also they might be sending a security guy to Brazzaville because it might be opening soon for americans so BOOYA!"

  9. Is there any chance that anyone has any updated contact information for both Gabon and DR Congo. Thank you for all help
