Friday, August 24, 2012

Church Growth Survey for Members

We recently launched another survey for Latter-day Saints to aid our research of church growth and missionary work.  Please complete our survey here.  Both our member survey and returned missionary survey can also be accessed on the top of the right-hand column of this blog.


  1. Matt a question, I have information from several units by friends, missionaries, local leaders as could pass all that information in the survey

  2. Sounds great; just fill out a survey for each individual or send them a link to it. Thanks.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ok Matt, I'm working on passing all the information I have with my initials ISP, my first analysis was of Tacna, Peru, a city where I am currently living. I'm from Lima but life brought me here with my whole family.
    Matt there are many units that are operating below the standards to qualify as a ward or branch in my country, before Peru has 100 stakes is better than the church check all existing units to take an example Unanue ward from Tacna Peru Alameda Stake (it's my ward) have less than 60 active members but local members do not want to discontinue the ward but everything indicates that discontinued later this year, it would be nice if a general authority to come and check the units and not pass something similar happened in Chile.

  5. I believe it can be more effective to downgrade a ward to a branch in order to preserve the sense of church community. I do not have any indication that there is any massive reorganization of wards and stakes in Peru in store for the near future notwithstanding some wards having only 60 active members. I believe we'll reach 100 stakes in Peru by the end of the year.
