Wednesday, July 4, 2012

New Case Studies Added on

On, we have posted 14 recently completed case studies examining various topics relating to LDS Church growth.  Links to these case studies are provided below.  View case studies in any web browser except Internet Explorer.


  1. I want an Analysis of LDS Growth in the City of Lima, Peru, because Lima has 40 stakes in metropolitan area
    but has less population than Sao Paulo.

  2. Thanks Irwin for the suggestion. I have been thinking about writing a case study on LDS growth in Lima, Peru and I think you just helped me make up my mind. Thanks!

  3. I can't access any of these articles. I open them and see the title of the topic but no text

    1. Case studies can be viewed in any web browser except Internet Explorer. Try a different browser; we are working on fixing the issue.

  4. For those of us without a web browser other than Explorer - any suggestions on how we can access the case studies?

  5. JonErik-

    Downloading another browser like Google Chrome or Firefox is pretty easy and convenient if you do not mind. If you do not want this option, I would be happy to email you any case studies you would like to read. Just email me and I can send these to you.
