Sunday, May 8, 2011

First LDS Stake in Russia to be Organized in Moscow on June 5th, 2011

LDS missionaries serving in the Russia Moscow Mission report that First Presidency approval has just been granted for the first stake to be organized in Russia in Moscow on June 5th, 2011.  The new stake will be organized from the Moscow Russia District which currently has ten branches.  The LDS Church has worked for over a decade to establish stakes in several of Russia's largest cities, but recurrent local leadership development challenges, poor convert retention rates, and low member activity rates have prevented the establishment of stakes until present.  Many active young single adults and other members have relocated to Moscow from other areas in recent years and have strengthened branches in the city.  Missionaries report that Saratov, Russia will be the most likely city to have Russia's second stake in the coming years.  For more information about the LDS Church in Russia, please refer to the country profile for Russia written by me and David Stewart.


  1. I am overjoyed!! Thanks to all the faithful saints who helped make this happen, especially thanks to the Lindlehoffs, the first family. The morning breaks!!

  2. Stake Consolidation in the Salt Lake Valley : my stake, the Mount Olympus Stake is being combined with the Mount Olympus North Stake next week. both Stakes at present only have 5 wards each with the YSA ward leaving to join the Holladay YSA stake.

  3. This is great! this opens the door to another Temple in Eastern Europe!

  4. This is a such great news! I still remember being at a stake youth fireside when they announced Russia was open for missionary work.

  5. AWESOME! My heart is over-joyed to learn of a stake organizing in Russia! The spreading of the gospel is going forth and how wonderful it is to see it growing in Russia. I'm so grateful I had to opprotunity to serve my mission there! I love the people and the country dearly!

  6. The President of the Russia Moscow Mission has confirmed that not only will the Moscow Russia Stake be created on June 5th, but that also Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles will be presiding at the creation of the 1st Stake in Russia!


  7. My missionary son in St Petersburg mentioned that Elder Nelson is coming...and now I know why! :) This is so exciting for the saints and missionaries all over Russia.

  8. @P. Anderson
    Perhaps a new stake in St Petersburg as well? That city has quite a few branches as well... comparable to moscow

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Matt, I can't find a link for contacting you, but I recently received the following good news from one of my mates in Indonesia: 'Ya benar Distrik jakarta akan menjadi Stake, kami sangat bersuka hati. Elder David A. Bednar akan datang tgl 22 Mei 2011 untuk memberikan Konperensi Khusus.' Translation: Yes, it's true that the Jakarta District will become a stake. We are very happy. Elder David A Bednar will arrive on 22 May 2011 to hold a special conference.'

  11. i am a church member now living in Russia. i have been unable to find any current telephone contact info for leaders here. can anyone help? thanks

  12. Doug-

    Go to the website and place the marker on the map where you live in Russia or type in your address. If you do not live within the boundaries of a congregation call the number on the website provided for the respective mission branch to which you pertain.

    Good luck finding the Church!

  13. Matt, Thanks for the info. the LDS website only gives two numbers for my area (Orel) and none for Moscow. i have tried all the numbers given on the website. all are disconnected. any other ideas?

  14. Doug-

    Try this number:

    7 499-424-1080

  15. Matt,
    Thanks, will try tomorrow during the day

  16. Doug, did that # from Matt work? I will be in Moscow and would love to attend church on May 29th, leaving Russia June 1st, or it would have been so fun to be there for the new stake!! My daughter said to attend the city center building and am looking to find out exactly where that is and what time.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I have family members traveling in Russia that would like to attend the June 5th meeting. Does anyone here have exact time and location information that I could pass to them? Thanks.

  19. Hope,

    As best I can tell the city center building is here. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    here's a link to the same location in google maps:
