Friday, December 18, 2009

New Stake Created in Peru

On December 13th a new stake was created in Peru. The Chincha Perú Stake was reinstated with all six branches in the former Chincha Perú District turning into wards. The Chincha Perú District was first created in 1985 and became a stake in 1992. Part of the stake was made into the Cañete Perú District in 1997. The stake was discontinued in 1999 and returned to district status. In addition to Pisco and Ica, city of Chincha received heavy damage from a large earthquake in 2007. A significant amount of humanitarian aid and assistance was provided by the Church for several months.

The new stake becomes the seventh organized in 2009 in Peru. Several additional districts appear close to turning into stakes. There are now 94 stakes and 23 districts in Peru.


  1. I know we're not at year end yet, but I count 15 new stakes for the U.S., 8 for Mexico, and 7 each for Brazil and Peru. Total new stakes for the year so far is 50 with 3 disconinued. Only 6 outside of No. and So. America. Still it's a record going all the back to 1998.
