Tuesday, October 28, 2008
New Branch in Guyana
Sunday, October 26, 2008
New District in Peru
Monday, October 20, 2008
New Stakes in Utah
This brings the total number of stakes created in Utah this year to at least seven.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
First Branch(es) created in Sudan
Furthermore, Sudan has been officially added to the Uganda Kampala Mission. The other two countries in the mission are Ethiopia and Rwanda.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
New Stake Created in Mexico
I will provide the name of the new stake once in becomes available.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Bringing the Temple to the Saints
This is a pretty impressive number considering 10.8 million of the 13.2 million members of the Church are this close to a temple. However, that still means that nearly 2.4 million members are quite distant from a Temple of the Lord.The planning and building of temples in the last 27 years has led to a
remarkable statistic. Elder William Walker, with the LDS Temple Department,
said, "Eighty-two percent of the members live within 200 miles of a temple
worldwide, which is essentially within about three hours of ground
I have developed a ratio to provide an insight into how available temples are to the members of the Church. I take the number of stakes in the Church for a given year and divide it by the total number of operating temples for that given year. Larger numbers indicate more stakes are assigned to each temple (usually meaning that members have to travel further to reach that temple). Smaller numbers indicate fewer stakes are assigned to each temple (meaning that members are closer to each temple).
- 1945 - 19 stakes per temple
- 1955 - 25 stakes per temple
- 1965 - 32 stakes per temple
- 1975 - 46 stakes per temple
- 1980 - 68 stakes per temple
- 1985 - 43 stakes per temple
- 1990 - 41 stakes per temple
- 1995 - 46 stakes per temple
- 2000 - 25 stakes per temple
- 2005 - 22 stakes per temple
- 2008 - 22 stakes per temple
I am comfortable to say that temples today are as available to the membership of the Church as they were back in 1945. This may sound counter intuitive, but back in 1945 Church membership was almost entirely in the Western United States, where six of the eight temples of the Church were at the time (seven if you count the temple in Cardston Alberta). Today the country with the most members without a temple (Nicaragua) has 60,000 members, or less than 0.5% of total Church membership. This illustrates that the Church has done a terrific job in making temples more available its members.
The 40 or so small, miniature temples built around 10 years ago kind of throw this statistic off a bit. About two-thirds of these temples serve less than 10 stakes and almost all of them are in Mexico or the United States.
Rapid Growth in Madagascar

New Branch
A new branch was recently created in the port city of Toamasina. There are now two branches in the city with a third branch to be created in the coming month or two. This is a signficant development for the Church in Madagascar because Toamasina is the first city outside the capital with more than one congregation.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
New Congregations in Trinidad and Pohnpei
Today a new branch was organized in Trinidad in the city of Port Fortin. A group was organized six months ago. There were almost 30 members and investigators in attendance at this historic event. This is the first branch to be created in the southern part of the country. I believe this is the 11th congregation on Trinidad. Still no word on when a stake will be created for the island.
A new branch was recently created on the island. A group was also created in Nett which I believe is on Kosrae. Both of these islands are part of the Micronesia Guam Mission.
New District Created in Pakistan?
According to the Church's official website for the Hong Kong China Temple District http://www.lds.org/temples/district/0,11217,1915-1-84-2,00.html, the Karachi Pakistan District is now listed. There has been a district functioning in Pakistan since the mid 1990s and has been named the Pakistan District and later the Islamabad Pakistan District. In 2001 five of the six branches at the time where in the northern part of Pakistan and under the name of the Islamabad Pakistan District. The district was listed under the temple district for the Hong Kong China Temple and was removed a couple years ago (as were other Church units in areas of the world which are not so tolerant to the Church). Considering the majority of the branches in Pakistan are in the northern part of the country, the Karachi Pakistan District seems to be a new district created considering the city of Karachi is about 500 miles away from the closest branch in the north. However, as of 2001 only one branch was in the city. Districts have at least two branches. Another bit of information which supports the fact that this could be a new district is that other Church units in other places in the world which were taken off temple district listings a couple years ago were not put back on the temple district lists.
The Church only has Pakistani missionaries in Pakistan and they meet only with Christian Pakistanis. Pakistan is under the recently created India New Delhi Mission.
If anyone has any information about whether this is a new district of the Church, please leave your commit.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Updated List of the States in the United States with the Most Members Without a Temple
1. Virginia
- - 83,225 members
- - 19 stakes
- - 183 congregations
- - Washington DC Temple (19,0)
- - 59,970 members
- - 16 stakes
- - 151 congregations
- - Billings Montana Temple (5,0), Ogden Utah Temple (5,0), Denver Colorado Temple (2,0), Idaho Falls Idaho Temple (2,0), Vernal Utah Temple (2,0)
- - 40,139 members
- - 11 stakes
- - 96 congregations
- - Chicago Illinois Temple (4,0), Columbus Ohio Temple (1,0), Louisville Kentucky Temple (6,0)
- - 32,116 members
- - 7 stakes
- - 74 congregations
- - Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple (2,0), St. Louis Missouri Temple (2,0), Winter Quarters Nebraska Temple (2,0), Denver Colorado Temple (1,0)
- - 30,280 members
- - 5 stakes, 1 district
- - 58 congregations
- - Manhattan New York Temple (4,1), Washington DC Temple (1,0)
- - 25,296 members
- - 5 stakes
- - 56 congregations
- - Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple (3,0), Memphis Tennessee Temple (2,0)
- - 23,907 members
- - 6 stakes
- - 68 congregations
- - Chicago Illinois Temple (5,0), St. Paul Minnesota Temple (1,0)
- - 23,301 members
- - 7 stakes
- - 69 congregations
- - Nauvoo Illinois Temple (3,0), Winter Quarters Nebraska Temple (4,0)
- - 20,377 members
- - 4 stakes
- - 44 congregations
- - Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple (3,0), Memphis Tennessee Temple (1,0)
- - 16,491 members
- - 4 stakes
- - 38 congregations
- - Washington DC Temple (2,0), Columbus Ohio Temple (1,0), Louisville Kentucky Temple (1,0)
- - 10,160 members
- - 2 stakes
- - 32 congregations
- - Boston Massachusetts Temple (2,0)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Updated List of the Countries with the Most Members Without a Temple
1. Nicaragua
- - 59,886 members
- - 8 stakes, 6 districts
- - 90 congregations
- - Guatemala City Guatemala Temple (8,6)
2. Portugal
- - 38,100 members
- - 6 stakes, 4 districts
- - 75 congregations
- - Madrid Spain Temple (6,4)
3. France
- - 34,638 members
- - 9 stakes, 2 districts
- - 117 congregations
- - Bern Switzerland Temple (5,0), Frankfurt Germany Temple (2,2), London England Temple (1,0), Madrid Spain Temple (1,0)
- - 19,808 members
- - 5 stakes, 2 districts
- - 43 congregations
- - Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple (5,2)
- - 19,583 members
- - 15 districts
- - 129 congregations
- - Helsinki Finland Temple (0,15)
- - 19,313 members
- - 5 stakes, 4 districts
- - 65 congregations
- - Johannesburg South Africa Temple (5,4)
- - 16,969 members
- - 3 stakes, 2 districts
- - 45 congregations
- - Johannesburg South Africa Temple (3,2)
- - 16,060 members
- - 1 stake, 6 districts
- - 53 congregations
- - Sydney Australia Temple (1,6)
- - 15,457 members
- - 1 stake, 5 districts
- - 39 congregations
- - Hong Kong China Temple (1,5)
- - 14,514 members
- - 4 stakes
- - 36 congregations
- - Apia Samoa Temple (4,0)
Rome Italy Temple
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple
With the announcement of the temples in Philadelphia and Kansas City, there are now 70 temples either currently operating, under construction or announced in the United States.
I think the most likely locations for future temples in the United States include
- Indianapolis, Indiana
- Tucson, Arizona
- Rogers, Arkansas
- Spanish Fork, Utah
- Layton, Utah
- Cedar City, Utah
- Price, Utah
- Augusta, Maine
Temples are well established in the United States. We are not likely to see many new temples announced in the future outside of Utah until we start seeing more active membership growth and stake creations.
Temple in the Greater Kansas City Area
The stakes in the Kansas City area continue to grow. The newest stake was created back in 2004 and the Liberty Missouri Stake has the most congregations out of any stake in the area (nine wards and four branches).
Córdoba Argentina Temple
Calgary Alberta Temple
Alberta has over 73,600 members organized in 205 congregations. The last new stake created in Alberta was in Edmonton. The Calgary Alberta Temple will become the third temple in the province and the eight in Canada. Canada's membership stands around 175,000. The last new stake created in Canada was in Quebec in 2006.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Five New Temples Announced
- Calgary Alberta Temple
- Cordoba Argentia Temple
- Kansas City Missouri Temple
- Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple
- Rome Italy Temple
This brings the number of temples announced, operating, or under construction to 145.
I will provide further analysis on these new temples announced when I get more free time. Right now I am a bit overwhelmed with school.